Ain't that the truth! (don't care if Ain't isn't a word)
My dog has gotten my other one pregnant. (after the "stuck" issue)
I think he is BI. so I don't know how she would feel about him leaving her for byrdies dog.
As for me thinking of the gay marriage.
To be honest. At first I was against it. I did not understand. I thought it was just a choice. I have a gay cousin that I have talked to a few months back. Then he made me remember how he was since we were kids. He always been different even as a child. I remember as teen years I would accuse him of being gay. He gotten so mad and yelled at me. Saying he wasn't.. but we both knew and others knew he was different.
Now I look back... and I understand it is not a learned behavior. He was always that way since we were kids. Like Shawn said in another thread. It is in the genes.
Gays should have rights as well as anyone.