Marley and Me-movie

My friend warned about this.. Said Don't watch a movie because its make her cry for two days... Broken her heart! :shock: so I decide not want to watch that movie! :cold:
I brought the movie last week, and watched it last night, it was a real heart-touching movie. I haven't read the book yet. :)

My opinion is the book is soo much better then the movie. But I bought the movie and watched it twice already.
My opinion is the book is soo much better then the movie. But I bought the movie and watched it twice already.

I agree, I read the book a year before the movie came out. Although the movie is still worth seeing.
well, I read the book.... <mom loaned it to me>

movie I'm not gonna see - 1: sad end

and as a dog trainer and someone involved in rescue:
2: difficulties with dog in book due to people not researching, planning for, preparing for the dog and for this breed, and also breeder seems NOT very reputable based in book description. Difficulties also due to not training dog once in home - that is, the use of training through reinforcing what they WANT dog to do, what they like, as opposed to "correcting" some behavior that's already happened. Another concern with reputable Lab breeders and rescues is that the antics and the love-able "cute puppy" scenes in the movie will convince people to go out in hoards and get a Lab with again, NO planning, no knowledge of the breed. VERY BAD IDEA. Labs are working field dogs with very high energy levels and strong need to chew on something and have stuff to carry and hold in their mouths - for YEARS. NOT appropriate for many people. DO the research before adopting a dog <PLEASE>
I am a yellow lab lover, the book is better than the movie. The Grogans went through the hard knocks with Marley and evenually, got another yellow lab as it was mentioned in the book , correct me if wrong :)
OB7 nope you not wrong ;) and yes they did got other yellow lab a female named Grace after Marley smile
I am a yellow lab lover, the book is better than the movie. The Grogans went through the hard knocks with Marley and evenually, got another yellow lab as it was mentioned in the book , correct me if wrong :)

They got Grace first and Woodson later. Woodson was one of the pups in that movie.
well, I read the book.... <mom loaned it to me>

movie I'm not gonna see - 1: sad end

and as a dog trainer and someone involved in rescue:
2: difficulties with dog in book due to people not researching, planning for, preparing for the dog and for this breed, and also breeder seems NOT very reputable based in book description. Difficulties also due to not training dog once in home - that is, the use of training through reinforcing what they WANT dog to do, what they like, as opposed to "correcting" some behavior that's already happened. Another concern with reputable Lab breeders and rescues is that the antics and the love-able "cute puppy" scenes in the movie will convince people to go out in hoards and get a Lab with again, NO planning, no knowledge of the breed. VERY BAD IDEA. Labs are working field dogs with very high energy levels and strong need to chew on something and have stuff to carry and hold in their mouths - for YEARS. NOT appropriate for many people. DO the research before adopting a dog <PLEASE>

Not much you can do about it. Yellow Labrador is the number 1 dog in North America. The novel itself is based on the life of the author more than it is about the dog.

You're overthinking this one. Sorry.
The Grogans did learn how to handle Marley the proper way. He brought the best out of the family. It was #1 at the box office and sold many copies of the book. Anyone who gets an animal must learn how to care for it not only labs. The topic is the movie :)
well, I read the book.... <mom loaned it to me>

movie I'm not gonna see - 1: sad end

and as a dog trainer and someone involved in rescue:
2: difficulties with dog in book due to people not researching, planning for, preparing for the dog and for this breed, and also breeder seems NOT very reputable based in book description. Difficulties also due to not training dog once in home - that is, the use of training through reinforcing what they WANT dog to do, what they like, as opposed to "correcting" some behavior that's already happened. Another concern with reputable Lab breeders and rescues is that the antics and the love-able "cute puppy" scenes in the movie will convince people to go out in hoards and get a Lab with again, NO planning, no knowledge of the breed. VERY BAD IDEA. Labs are working field dogs with very high energy levels and strong need to chew on something and have stuff to carry and hold in their mouths - for YEARS. NOT appropriate for many people. DO the research before adopting a dog <PLEASE>
I agree.

Sometimes, people get dogs cuz they think that same dog looked cute in the movie. They later give those dogs away because they find out that it was too much work or wasn't what they expected.

For instance, when the live-action version of 101 Dalmatians came out in theaters... sales for Dalmatian puppies skyrocketed. Months later, returns for Dalmatians skyrocketed too.

When 102 Dalmatains came out in theaters, a woman published an article in the newspaper discouraging people from buying Dalmatians, explaining what Dalmatians are really like, and explained what happened after the first movie came out.
book is better than the movie, i agree with dogmom's suggestion but then again um, Labs are usually the easiest dog to handle, its just the wrong kind of bloodlines (as grogen maintained in the book) this was an American version of Labs which are taller, longer legged and more hyper, they are intended to be gundogs unlike the english cousins, which are more placent and more trainable. So people, american labs are not ideal as pets, insist on seeking the english stocks, shorter and stockier in appearance. One more thing, no matter what dogs people get, they all require attention and paitence and investment in time for training (not only for the dogs but for people as well) to handle the animals in private and public spaces.
book is better than the movie, i agree with dogmom's suggestion but then again um, Labs are usually the easiest dog to handle, its just the wrong kind of bloodlines (as grogen maintained in the book) this was an American version of Labs which are taller, longer legged and more hyper, they are intended to be gundogs unlike the english cousins, which are more placent and more trainable. So people, american labs are not ideal as pets, insist on seeking the english stocks, shorter and stockier in appearance. One more thing, no matter what dogs people get, they all require attention and paitence and investment in time for training (not only for the dogs but for people as well) to handle the animals in private and public spaces.

Interesting! I didn't know that there are differences between American labs and English labs.