I am so glad Marleen Marlin will be dance next week i did vote for her
yeah Marlee.............She had my votes!!!!
Who said that?I like her on the show but this whole "wow deaf people can dance" is turning me off. Umm like DUH yeah they can!
Impressive Marleen did went well through 3rd stages so far...
Will look forward next eposide incoming up within next week.
I like her on the show but this whole "wow deaf people can dance" is turning me off. Umm like DUH yeah they can!
The score is 24Did anyone get the score? I missed it. I was touched very good job! It even made judge, Carrie Ann cry keep it going Marlee!!
Marlee sure worked hard to do the quick steps and waltz so got a 24 and remember last week was 21 so I think she safe for now to stay in the game. Tonight it will see who gets to go home.
"YES", Marlee Matlin. I am glad she's going on the next round! Keep the votes coming![]()