Marlee Matlin, "I'll Scream Later"


Normally Person A and her husband have a good sex life once a weekend; they have been married for fifteen years. Person A's husband comes home from work drunk from the company BBQ's drunk on a Wednesday night; Person A just wants to sleep because she needs to go to work early in the morning, but he insists on sex. The husband refuses to listen to Person A say "no' repeatedly and decides to force her to have sex with him.
I finishes the book today and really enjoyed it. I'm a big Marlee fan. We share a name sign and I found out when reading the book that she has family in the town where I live. I doubt she made any of it up but really no one will know for sure. In any case it was a fun read and kept me laughing. Marlee gets a lot of shit from both Deaf and hearing audiences no matter what move she makes; I think she's a strong person to put up with it all!

Normally Person A and her husband have a good sex life once a weekend; they have been married for fifteen years. Person A's husband comes home from work drunk from the company BBQ's drunk on a Wednesday night; Person A just wants to sleep because she needs to go to work early in the morning, but he insists on sex. The husband refuses to listen to Person A say "no' repeatedly and decides to force her to have sex with him.

That's called Spousal Rape. Another example may be taken if you've watched a bedroom scene between Ellen Barkin and Robert De Niro in This Boy's Life. movie.
And if they're guilty then how come have they never had been arrested yet? There you go.
I finishes the book today and really enjoyed it. I'm a big Marlee fan. We share a name sign and I found out when reading the book that she has family in the town where I live. I doubt she made any of it up but really no one will know for sure. In any case it was a fun read and kept me laughing. Marlee gets a lot of shit from both Deaf and hearing audiences no matter what move she makes; I think she's a strong person to put up with it all!

What's her/your sign name?
Same reason why an ex-girlfriend's father was never arrested-- just simply removed and placed into foster care. And everything was kept "hush-hush."

No one wanted to stir troubles at the time. Even if she wanted him arrested, evidences were too far back into the past to regain for current prosecution. And 'he said, she said' testimonies are hellish to go through in courts.
Same reason why an ex-girlfriend's father was never arrested-- just simply removed and placed into foster care. And everything was kept "hush-hush."

No one wanted to stir troubles at the time. Even if she wanted him arrested, evidences were too far back into the past to regain for current prosecution. And 'he said, she said' testimonies are hellish to go through in courts.

Umm, how about witness? Jack saw Marlee being newly bruised and blood cut on her lip in the hotel hall. Didn't bother to report. Hmm. And again, with my post from the other day:


Respond to your post, yes that's indeed...take a look at elderly and middle-aged Deafies who had been sexually abused by priests, few nuns, and housing parents in the dorm halls at Boston School f/t Deaf, a local Deaf school in Wisconsin, and Washington School f/t Deaf. Those victims did reported some years later after the incidents and they did named the names of perps. Now, in the book Marlee wrote she didn't name the names who sexually abused her. Something's fishy.

Those deaf victims and the courts proceedings have either been completed or still in progress.
What's her/your sign name?

M hand at dimple. Mine is technically the same as the sign "candy" with one finger crooked in my dimple but to reduce confusion at school the kids use an M hand
Umm, how about witness? Jack saw Marlee being newly bruised and blood cut on her lip in the hotel hall. Didn't bother to report. Hmm. And again, with my post from the other day:


Respond to your post, yes that's indeed...take a look at elderly and middle-aged Deafies who had been sexually abused by priests, few nuns, and housing parents in the dorm halls at Boston School f/t Deaf, a local Deaf school in Wisconsin, and Washington School f/t Deaf. Those victims did reported some years later after the incidents and they did named the names of perps. Now, in the book Marlee wrote she didn't name the names who sexually abused her. Something's fishy.

Those deaf victims and the courts proceedings have either been completed or still in progress.


Most rape victims I know of don't name them. They don't WANT to name them.

And we are all guilty of looking the other way. I remember coming off the LRT, and there was this 40-some years person being aggressive with a 14-years old girl. Could been a pedophile, could been her uncle, could had been her father. No one reported it, even though everyone thought it was fishy that fellow was with a minor. Why? Well, i didn't want to because I didn't know how they knew each others, since he could easily be her father; the person I was with didn't want to report it because she didn't want to testify.
Umm, how about witness? Jack saw Marlee being newly bruised and blood cut on her lip in the hotel hall. Didn't bother to report. Hmm. And again, with my post from the other day:


Respond to your post, yes that's indeed...take a look at elderly and middle-aged Deafies who had been sexually abused by priests, few nuns, and housing parents in the dorm halls at Boston School f/t Deaf, a local Deaf school in Wisconsin, and Washington School f/t Deaf. Those victims did reported some years later after the incidents and they did named the names of perps. Now, in the book Marlee wrote she didn't name the names who sexually abused her. Something's fishy.

Those deaf victims and the courts proceedings have either been completed or still in progress.

Likely that's because it was a big group of boys for the church story, or a big group of others from other schools. Marlee didn't have to say who her stepfather was because maybe by now she's forgiven him or whatever (was it even her stepfather for one of them, I forget).

Not everyone wants tons of cases riding on their backs, especially years after it happened. I know of someone who was raped, and she was scared poopless. She didn't report it, ever, but now she's moved on. It was so long ago, that now she's not going to bother reporting it because she doesn't want to find this guy again, and she can't pull evidence out of nowhere if it wasn't something very recent. Marlee might feel the same way.
First of all, it wasn't her stepfather geez, because she wasn't born just yet from what I read the book that I got last summer but other night, I did read most of it, I don't think that she remembers about the other one that he hurts you but definatly something fishy in the book that didn't leave out the name. Just William, the babysitter and the teacher (just three of them not four)

Maybe, she did going to testify at the court to against someone who hurt her the most in the past years ago but could be wrong...

I'm a huge Marlee Matin fan because I likes the deaf actress one of the best one!
Did you all read the same book? :confused:
I wonder who teacher was? MM and I went same high school and college before (different years)

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