Mark Gungor is a speaker/pastor who gives very funny seminars on helping couples (married) understand and improve their relationships. This is an series of exerpts from one of his talks. He has a set of DVD's out but unfortunately it's not known (to me) at this time if they are captioned or even subtitled (if they're not they damn well should be!! ) ... After a bit of research I found the talk transcript and decided to post it here... me thinks you should find it interesting... it'll be done in several parts so not to make a LONG post...
Part One:
That men and women tend to think very differently from each other. The reason this is significant is because we are very quick to make into heart problems what are essentially head problems.
In other words, a man thinks and acts and responds in a certain way. A woman doesn't understand it. She assumes he has a bad heart but it is not his heart, it is his head.
It is the same with women. Women think and act a certain way, a guy doesn't understand it. He thinks she doesn't care about me, she doesn't respect me. Again, it is not her heart, it is her head.
So I try to show couples that if they'll understand how they think very differently from each other, it helps in the process of succeeding with one another.
The truth is, once you understand why somebody does what they do, it changes everything. If you don't understand the why, you're only threatened by it.
But a lot of what we do in marriages is not a matter of right and wrong, it is just that they don't like it. It messes with you, and in a way it is supposed to mess with you.
I preached a message in my church not long ago entitled, "God Wants to Kill You." All right? Not the real you, but the selfish you. And there is nothing more designed to kill you than marriage -- [Laughing] because if you stay selfish, you cannot do it -- you cannot survive.
The reality is that most of the doings that we struggle with is just things we don't like. "I don't like the way she does it." "I don't like the way he does that." , we go crazy with each other.
Anyway, so I start to talk about trying to get men and women to understand each other. What I describe is basic stereotypes. In other words, men generally think this way and women generally think this way but they don't all think that way. So I challenge people to interpolate for their own relationships.
One of the challenges of doing this is when you start describing every man in the world you have to use a pretty big brush. You know what I'm saying? -- Or every woman. But there are enough similarities that they kind of stand up. So I try and get couples to understand each other and how they think.
I start with men's brains. I explain that men's brains are made up of little boxes and we have a box for everything. We have a box for the car. We have a box for the money. We have a box for the job, a box for the kids, a box for you, a box for your mother somewhere in the basement.
And the rule is the boxes do not touch. All right? When a man discusses a particular subject, he goes to the appropriate box, slides it out, opens it up, will discuss only the content of that particular box and then when he is done, he puts it away hoping not to touch or disturb any of the other boxes.
Now a woman's brain is made up of a big ball of wire. It is like the Internet super highway where everything is connected to everything. And the car is, kids -- [mumbling] -- and she will start talking about one thing. "And I thought about this and my mom told me this and I -- la la la la."
And of course, the guy is going --." [looking confused] "What box are you in, man?" Because he can't follow her because men don't do that. We start with the one subject.
But to women, everything is game because everything is connected to everything. Now all of this is driven by energy that we call emotion. It is one of the reasons why women tend to remember everything. Because it is a scientific fact if you take an event and connect it to an emotion, it will burn into your memory and you can remember it forever. The same thing happens for men, it just doesn't happen very often because quite frankly, we don't care. Women tend to care about everything!
Now we men have a box in our brains that most women are completely unaware of. This particular box has nothing in it. It is true.
In fact, we call it the "nothing box." And of all the boxes a man has in his brain, our nothing box is our favorite box! If a man has the opportunity, he will go to his nothing box every time. That's why a man can do something seemingly completely brain dead for hours on end. You know, like fishing.
And women don't understand this and it drives them crazy because nothing irritates a woman more than to witness a man doing nothing. Correct? Then she gets mad at him and quits talking to him.
It is the process of just doing nothing, thinking about nothing, reflecting about nothing. Women don't understand it.
She will see her husband in that glorious vegetative state -- and she will come up to him and say, "What are you thinking about?"
And he'll go, "Nothing!"
And she gets mad! "Well, you've got to be thinking about something!"
"No, I'm thinking about nothing. In fact, I was on a roll 'til you showed up!"
And women get really, really mad at their husbands because they're convinced, James, they're convinced we're withholding from them some deep emotional thought.
Nope, nothing! There ain't nothing there, man!
Now, a few years ago the University of Pennsylvania did a study with men's brains and women's brains and discovered that men, in fact, have the ability to think about absolutely nothing and still breathe.
In fact, they say, up to 70% of a man's brain activity just goes --(flatline noise on heart machine) -- and we love it.