Marine Corps delays pull-up requirement for women

I can do at least 3 :h5: but not only I do have a lot of upper body strength I'm a light weight. That makes it a lot easier, I only have to pull 107 pounds. Women everywhere may hate me, but I think if they don't require the women to do it, then the men shouldn't either. I'm all about equality, but it really should be equal. Seems like the reasoning for these tests for the men should apply to the women. I don't see it going well over on the guys if the women don't have to do the same things they did to get in. It could cause resent and for the men to give the women an even harder than, getting special dispensation. It's like giving them ammunition to use against them.
I don't hate you. :)

Not just resentment but also could be dangerous. Upper body strength can be critical in ground combat situations, or shipboard emergencies, especially firefighting and damage control.

A battle buddy or shipmate may have to carry a wounded comrade out of a dangerous area. They have to lift large, heavy objects off people and things. They have to scale walls and climb into hovering helicopters. They have to haul, load, and unload heavy, bulky supplies and equipment.

For those in the front lines or on combat ships or aircraft, the physical standards should be the same for men and women, and those standards should be realistic, relating to the needs of their assignments.
The last time I heard, the one-armed pullup world record was held by a woman. I wonder if that is still true. :lol: