
Just an question Liebling,

Since wine and alcohol is an drugs... now if wine (white, red and many more) become illegal... would you still have a glass of red wine?

I agree with that point good point you got there sis SG. Just because something is illegal doesnt mean it is any worse for you than what is legal. Drinking kills and so does Smoking but yet both are legal. So I say let the marijuana smokers have their rights too.
I am against it too. My ex did pot infront of the kids, he drank while doing pot. He was a very heavy drug/alcohol abuser all the way around.

I think that the problem is called escapism. People need to escape from something in their lives so they turn and use this as a resource of comfort.
I think it's dangerous to your health, proven very dangerous.

No amount of weed or alcohol is every going to make your issues go away.
You need to deal head on with it. Not just escape it and temperarily numb the pain.quote

I agree with ya raingurl... i use pot in past to escape my depression etc.. but i do use it nowdays for my adhd it helps me to go sleep but i dont use it daily,...
im ex meth , crank,cocaine, opium. mushroom, etc user..
I've heard and discussed it with friends regarding the federal and state law conflicts. In CA, the State law approves it only for patients, but it is against the FEDERAL law. When it comes to debate, they always try to justify one of the examples, Prohibition Era which created the mobs and secret places to sell beers. The society during the Prohibition Era proved that they were not ready to accept it.

Now, I just read the article somewhere and the modern society prefers WINE over beer. The beers are becoming unpopular now. The beer companies are starting to worry and get desperate and try to advertise it to attract younger people to buy beers, not wines.

Our generation is far different from the Prohibition generation. Our generation are seeking for healthy choices to improve our lives stronger and make us happy. There is a difference between feeling good and feeling stronger. I strongly believe in strong itself than better. Strong means confidence. For instance, when you feel down, you take beer, or any drug, or eating too much food to take your pain away or making you feel better, not making you strong. It degrades you more. That is not a part of who you are.

For medical reasons, I think they can be useful as long as patients use it appropriately.
Firstly, Im not against to marjiuana BUT im against to cocaine, methamphatamine, speed and odd drugs etc...

Secondly, Marjiuana are exists way before Jesus was born.

Thirdly, i can't see why marjiuana is dangerous but I have often heard or seen the smoker ciggy packer with ugly pictures or harm to their health but what about marjiuana???

Fourth, there are roughly about 70% people in this world are using marjiuana so it is everywhere where people can smoke weed but some places are hide. It is impossible to wipe all the marjiuana out of this Earth!

Fifth, Marjiuana have plenty names for such.... Cannabis, MJ, Cookies, Weed, Toke, Joint, Motorbike, Coffees, CD, etc... any names you like to add :D

For instance, in australia, they throw their tied shoes on the power lines to let them know (for buyer people who wants to buy the marjiuana) where to buy from a tinned house. New Zealand, visit a gang's house to buy it off them. Umm any countries what I dont know cos I haven't been in England, and the rest of Europe, etc...

In case if you want to know where the proof about this world population of cannabis user. Heres the website address to look at:

NationMaster - Statistics > Cannabis use by country

Happy reading :)
I used to take Pot. I found it made me really weak and stupid. I took it as a means to escape. I did a lot of things that I still regret. So I am not in favor of Pot.

It did have some benifits that while I took a lot of pot I could use my hearing aids. Normally I had trouble because I couldn't stand the noise.

I don't know if it was addictive though. When I moved here I just decided that I didn't need to take it any more so I gave it up without any problems at all.
I used to smoke alot of pot more than a decade ago, even dabbled in stronger stuffs but never anything white. However, I feel ambivalent towards legalising cannabis

I, myself, agree marijuana could be legalised even though I no longer smoke it. Legalising would mean a lot of incacaration, stigmisation issue revisited and get alot of unncessary corruption relating to administration of food and drug around the world untangled. There is more to what we see, alot more.....often between countries there are trades within trades, like arms dealing we'd never hear about the 'truth' or money and war, if you must get some clue try watching the film "Lord of War" Nicholas Cage stars in this, it is an excellent example of the insidious trade, even the US Defense forces (or any other countries's for that matter) dont want you to know about, because its like, they would be viewed as they CAUSED these problems!! ha, theres a hint you may see? yes making cannabis is illegal proved effective as social-control alone with ALL other sideeffects, criminalisation, deviance, blackmarketing, violence, even cross-illicit trades like arms dealing, you name it

anyway back on track, getting cannabis legalised, would mean far less risk of grower poisoning their own home-grown with toxic fertilisers, also less motivation to grow 'cash crops' would mean slower pace of life thus translate a more peaceful community, and likely less poisoning which is probably responsible for brain damages due to harmful additives used to intend for rapid growth or spiking with enchancements to secure consumers-return for more sales.

A slight different slant of view here, drugs is only a symptom of society's dwindling ability to cope, whatever happened to the good old days when life was simple and people use to sing or write about happy dreams??
"Good times" are overrated and i think the media are to blame for this, and by same token (on other side of the same coin) people should learn to think better!, I mean like not to be so gulliable or so impulsive to yearn for happiness, if we all did this more , and ask old people how to pass times, maybe we'd learn alot of good ideas to make life alot more pleasurable. Marijuana is great but its also to be respected and taken in care just like alcohol! but it seems half the problems is the sellers (drinks>legal or pot?illegal are BOTH irresponsible they both rely on the same tactic as selling 'good times' to halfwits whose doesnt consider enough what to do deserve 'a break for good time'. dont get me wrong i know about stress btu there are other ways to cope too, and yet pot is good but it needs to be rationed for 'proper good times' like on a hiking camp or walk at the deserted beach front in mid-summer or something like that as a genuine 'time out' from society. those of you thinks im 'preaching meditation with herb' maybe i am, but its doesnt sound boring right? its just a more responsible approach to appreciate the real joys of cannabis.
Marijuana Addiction Treatment Drug Rehab Centers

Marijuana Addiction

Q.) What are the short-term effects of Marijuana?



Difficulty keeping track of time, impaired or reduced short-term memory

Reduced ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination,
such as driving a car

Increased heart rate

Potential cardiac dangers for those with preexisting heart disease

Bloodshot eyes

Dry mouth and throat

Decreased social inhibitions

Paranoia, hallucinations

Impaired or reduced short-term memory

Impaired or reduced comprehension

Altered motivation and cognition, making the acquisition of new information difficult


Psychological dependence

Impairments in learning and memory, perception, and judgment - difficulty
speaking, listening effectively, thinking, retaining knowledge, problem solving,
and forming concepts

Intense anxiety or panic attacks


Q.) What are the long-term effects of Marijuana?


Enhanced cancer risk

Decrease in testosterone levels and lower sperm counts for men

Increase in testosterone levels for women and increased risk of infertility

Diminished or extinguished sexual pleasure

Psychological dependence requiring more of the drug to get the same effect

And further read in those link.
who cares? just about everything we have in this society is toxic,petrol, just about any food from supermarkets, diet coke is more toxic than 'normal' coke, straight coke rots your guys like ciggies rots your lungs, raw materials such as wood or vinyls are treated with toxic 'sealants' so new houses may be 'new' but has new poisons. Media in its broadest sense are so irresponsible to not tell you these sort fo informations. If you insist to try live to 120 years old, expect it to be BORING, in fact it would be painfully isolating, furthermore impossible to avoid any forms of delibinating toxics causing bodies to malfunction.
so what just about everything we do and eat causes cancer
theres a millions of other ways for people to get paranoid, or hallucinate or lose their memory (many of this attributes to diet in this fast-cash society), many psychological disorders stems from societal disorders, cognitive is already stunted by 'education' which trains the masses to be dull consumers, just look around ! , it is applauding to see someone so duped to think marijuana is a blame, it is simply misused and mis understood , in a way i agree there should be less people using it, simply because the 'west' jumped on thinking its for pure hedonism. That was a fundamental mistake. but then in this stressful world, I can hardly blame those just dont know how to 'switch off' while it is not good when the switching off becomes a habit... that's where the line of responsibility has crossed over.
I could care less if it gets legalized as long as you can't do it in public, i abhor second hand smoke. How would someone like it if i ripped a ripe one right in their face? It's about as offensive.
who cares? just about everything we have in this society is toxic,petrol, just about any food from supermarkets, diet coke is more toxic than 'normal' coke, straight coke rots your guys like ciggies rots your lungs, raw materials such as wood or vinyls are treated with toxic 'sealants' so new houses may be 'new' but has new poisons. Media in its broadest sense are so irresponsible to not tell you these sort fo informations. If you insist to try live to 120 years old, expect it to be BORING, in fact it would be painfully isolating, furthermore impossible to avoid any forms of delibinating toxics causing bodies to malfunction.
so what just about everything we do and eat causes cancer
theres a millions of other ways for people to get paranoid, or hallucinate or lose their memory (many of this attributes to diet in this fast-cash society), many psychological disorders stems from societal disorders, cognitive is already stunted by 'education' which trains the masses to be dull consumers, just look around ! , it is applauding to see someone so duped to think marijuana is a blame, it is simply misused and mis understood , in a way i agree there should be less people using it, simply because the 'west' jumped on thinking its for pure hedonism. That was a fundamental mistake. but then in this stressful world, I can hardly blame those just dont know how to 'switch off' while it is not good when the switching off becomes a habit... that's where the line of responsibility has crossed over.

quote of the day. people are easily duped by misinformation and pseudoscience. just ask adolf hitler or ronald reagan.
abit off topic, but you know something, apparently it was on the news recently about a month ago, that for each print out of a document from a Laser printer emits a toxic fume so invisable but has a distinctive quiff that is just as as deadly as a inhaling a entire cigerette's smoke !!
and they get millions of people working in high-rise buildings as clerks, adminstrators raking in a good earner and yet they get sick........
how irresponsible is that?!
I am against it period, nothing good can come out of it.

People who use it just for recreational use are complete idiots, they tend to be losers who amount to nothing who waste their money and time on getting shit headed while other people (ie. me) can amount thousands of volunteer hours and donating money to more important things in life. I have never touched alcohol or cannabis in my entire life and see people everyday making absolute fools of themselves by using the crap. All my friends know I am anti-alcohol and anti-drugs and they respect me for standing by my values and not giving into societies desires.

God help society because we are getting more screwed up everyday!!
Of course we all made heated debates about marijuana! This continues to all related to marijuana issues.

In a society where alcohol use is so heavily used and abused, would you consider marijuana a safe alternative to alcohol?

I had some experiences with smoking marijuana. I was experimenting myself that I could do both, smoking and drinking. Well, it simply controls your mind apparently when you first thought you saw a purple elephant in everywhere you go. Remember: this activity engaged in for relaxation and amusement. I believe anyone who was in alcohol abused could go for marijuana as a safe alternative even though it doesn't make them feeling better all of the sudden.

I don't believe it was helping for their medical coniditions, because it damages the cells in the brain. Hello! It doesn't cure anything at all! For an instance, a person has back problems and has been smoking marijuana, when does it help their back problems go away forever while they don't smoke anymore?

Some people, I know, believed it helped for their depression. To be frank with you, it doesn't assist them feeling better from what I see and my experiences. I can't say more than this.

When you smoke, do you get the munchies and sit on your fat ass all day? Or is it more of a giddy time?
It depends on my mood. It could be unpredictable for me to find out. :giggle:

Do you have? a mind??
Why, thank you! Yes I have a mind of my own. :ty:
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It's baloney to make a claim that marijuana has never killed anyone. It has. There are *rare* reports of fatal reactions to THC in young adults and since THC can cause the heart rate to go faster, it is dangerous for people who have heart disease. A new study came out showing that there's a strong link between marijuana and schoizphrenia. I am completely positive that marijuana can cause it because my pothead friend became schitzo after a decade of chronic pot smoking.

However, I will say that THC is a lot less toxic than most drugs out there. Why no one ever died from THC overdose is probably due to the way our body metabolise THC. THC is fat-soluble so if every fat cell in our body takes THC, then the body cannot absorb more THC (saturation point) and it goes to poop. Other drugs often can keep acculmating in the body and cause toxic reactions or cause serious biochemistry changes.

Should pot be legalized? No. Should it be criminalized? Definitely not. Just slap a ticket on someone caught with pot possession and move on.
Drugs: Shake Hand With Satan

People abused plants to get high, Not talkin' religion but God made all kinds of beautiful plants for the earth to make it pretty, not to abused plants for highness...
Someone told me and said Why did God puts it there and another person said God puts there for a purposes, the answer is not true...

Plants are to be use for medical reasons, not for highness, it's wrong to abused plants for cocaine, herion, acid, marijuana, those illegals drugs are dangerous and harmful to your brain and your body...

Alcohols is the same way, people overdrinkin' overdosin' alcohols and drugs, are killin' theirselves...

It's good to drinks moderate, but illegals drug tosh to the trash, they are bad for people, I have cousins that are on drugs, they have no brain, they have a brain of a pea size, they are not smart, but very dumb, they can't even talk or communicate about nothin', but drugs is a terrible things to waste...

I used to do drugs, it was pretty bad that got me out of controls, I startin'g to hang around with the wrong people that didn't care about me and usin'g me while I'm high all the time, I used to drink too much too and people see that, so they took the advantaged of me, also I slept with someone I didn't even know and I blamed on the drugs and alcohols, I used to have a loose conducts, but now I'm clean and totally awake, my brain was dead while I was drinkin' and doin' drugs, I wasn't myself and my family didn't know who I was anymore, but now I got it all back to normal again, the end!

Well this might start heated debates, but i'm wondering what everyone's opinion of marijuana is. Do you smoke it? Do you hate it? Do you support prohibition or decriminalization/legalization?

If you smoke, please do share your stories with us. Was it some disgusting ill-fitted mexican ditch weed, or was it a fine sativa?

If you hate cannabis, would you ever reconsider your stance on the drug?

In a society where alcohol use is so heavily used and abused, would you consider marijuana a safe alternative to alcohol?

When you smoke, do you get the munchies :popcorn: and sit on your fat ass all day? Or is it more of a :laugh2: giddy time?

Do you have? a mind??
It is impossible to overdose on THC. Think about all the alcohol-related deaths you've heard about (drunk driving, liver cancer, alcohol poisoning) and see if those death rates can compare to THC. THEY CAN'T! I don't smoke pot, but I am definitely an advocate. Whether you're a Rx user or daily smoker, I don't care. It's far better than alcohol, of which I am a strong advocate.
It is impossible to overdose on THC. Think about all the alcohol-related deaths you've heard about (drunk driving, liver cancer, alcohol poisoning) and see if those death rates can compare to THC. THEY CAN'T! I don't smoke pot, but I am definitely an advocate. Whether you're a Rx user or daily smoker, I don't care. It's far better than alcohol, of which I am a strong advocate.

Is that what you thought so? I was overdosed on THC about 6 years ago as young stupid adult. :pissed: I was sent to the hospital and got better in one day. Yes, anything is possible like God said.

It's some rare reports on young adults having that kind of the result when they were on THC.
My take on it? Legalize it and tax the hell out of it! Get growers/sellers/users that are crowding our prisons and taking up space where murders and abusers and pedophiles should be. Its proven that making it illegal is solving NO problems - and its forcing the problem underground, which funds the gangs and other organizations that profit from it.

That will free up some manpower to go after the REAL problem - METH LABS!

I'll have to admit, neecy...this is an issue in which we are in total agreement!