March 21st 2006 is Officially Springtime


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May 31, 2005
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Can't believe in a few short weeks March 21st will be here !!!

That day, 21 March 2006 is Officially Springtime !!! :) :thumb:
What makes you so sure that March 21 is the official date for "Springtime"?
VamPyroX said:
What makes you so sure that March 21 is the official date for "Springtime"?

I looked at the calendar for March 2006 and it is right there. Of course the weather outside speaks louder than the offical springtime of March 21st on the calendar.
Its spring time all year round down here.... I wish it would get cold for aleast a month, oh well dont really got room to complain i think
:thumb: I can't wait, although, we have had a good winter. The temps have been more than satisfactory, but, just to see those flowers and leaves bloom will be so nice!! :applause:
Tweetybird said:
june 21 honey...

June 21st? What about June 13th on my birthday?... :tears:

LovelyBlkGal said:
*pat ur back* make you :angel: fly awayyyyyyyy to fla that where will be hotttttt dayyy :giggle:

Oh coolieee I get to meet Butterfly Girl!! :fingersx:
Here in Rochester, it's fucked up!

One day, it's 50 degrees. The next, it's 15 degrees. Today's high was 47 degrees. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be 17 degrees. Shit! :crazy:
VamPyroX said:
Here in Rochester, it's fucked up!

One day, it's 50 degrees. The next, it's 15 degrees. Today's high was 47 degrees. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be 17 degrees. Shit! :crazy:

Aw you poor thing. :lol:
^Angel^ said:
Oh coolieee I get to meet Butterfly Girl!! :fingersx:
Yay Yay come on over but be aware that I will have cold A/C on in my home at all the times when summer arrives and it might feel like winter again to you. Don't forget to bring your sweater :D
VamPyroX said:
Here in Rochester, it's fucked up!

One day, it's 50 degrees. The next, it's 15 degrees. Today's high was 47 degrees. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be 17 degrees. Shit! :crazy:

Oklahoma weather is weird too thursday it was 80 friday it was 35
Yep! That's seem it can't make its mind up! LOL! It's FREEZING today...hurry SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VamPyroX said:
Here in Rochester, it's fucked up!

One day, it's 50 degrees. The next, it's 15 degrees. Today's high was 47 degrees. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be 17 degrees. Shit! :crazy:
I thought March 20 is the Vernal Equinox.

Well we got 30 more days...
Even though it feels like spring in february sometimes.

I am concern about that hurricane season in june 1st. I saw on Oprah about how hurricane victims are living homeless in New Orleans and other part of gulf cities.
Sad. And they might have to prepare for more hurricanes that might hit us again.
Saturn in Leo.

Anyway, I went outside and picked dog's poops and saw many cloves leaves blooming from ground which reminding me of St. Patrick Day. And I saw a fly, eek.
^Angel^ said:
June 21st? What about June 13th on my birthday?... :tears:
yea i know u wish on ur bday turn summer!!! same here i wish birth on valentine's day too!