Many Teens Would Flunk Treadmill Tests

Cheri said:
This is my son we talking about here and my decision as well, Don't tell me what to do with my own child, second of all, talk about safely playing football for your information my nephew got hurt during the game while playing football. Why would I want to see my own son ending up in the same situation? Yet, you don't have children and you telling me how to raise my children? :doh:

* Sighs and shakes his head *....then says " Women !!! "
look at Chris Farley he could do cart wheels and shit.

Sadly, he OD on drugs at the young age of 33. How terrible. Supposedly a lot of that energy came from being on drugs which made him hyper.

Not a good example of "fat and fit", but I do agree you can be fat and fit.
Hard, but doable.
recently a bit overweight person won the audition for "So you say you can dance?". clap clap clap !!!

As for kids inactive and stuffing themselves with chips, chocolate bars, Coke etc- PARENTS YOU HAVE THE POWER.
teach your kids to eat healthy and DEMAND your goverment to remove coke etc and junk snacks form schools, community centres and wherevr the kids hung out.
Demand that your school have healthy food choice for lunches and snacks.

It's YOU, the PARENT who teaches child how to eat and live healthy (and more)..

And IMO an 11 years old for football - I would be scared too. For chrissakes it;s only 11 years old! perhpas Taekwondo just yet, since it teaches discipline and gives good coordination, flexibility and general fitness.
A good preparation for football perhaps a bit later.


ps= pants falling from walking- now that's a good one!! :giggle:
Cheri said:
:rofl: *Mwahies*

*sticks my finger in my mouth, gets it good and wet. sticks it in cheri's ear*

wet willy!!!!!

wheres my kiss?
Heath said:
Now that is something he can do !!!! :) Tae Kwon Do :thumb:

I have been thinking of taking some kind of martial arts once I'm no longer in school and walking around campus a lot. Does anybody know about how easy it is to find a place for adult beginners, especially if you're a woman who's not that strong yet? I have a feeling I'd need an instructor who's very patient... ;)
Krav Maga would be a good start. They work very closely with women and you will be very comfortable and in good hands. Your university or the city you live in should have Krav Maga. You can do a search on their school locator. :)
Excuse Me?

It is NOT only majority of the women that are increasing overweight. it is the MEN too.

A good numbers of posters here seem to target women as the subjects that SHOULD lose weight...

Raise your hand if you REALLY want to date a FAT man...
None? I rest my case.

Please refrain yourself from targeting women only; please use "people" when you want to discuss weight problems that exist today.

(I just want to say SOMETHING because I don't think some of you are realizing you constantly referred to one sex, not BOTH sexes and uphold the double-standard)
Heath is right about "Supersize Me"-- it is an eye-opener for many people. I was SO glad I was already a vegetarian when I saw the movie or I would hoover over the tiolet, gagging out all hamburgers I could have eaten before watching the movies. All I could say was "Thank goodness I don't eat that anymore." :lol:

But on a serious note:

The overweight issues today are the results of schools being commericalized by junk-food companies like Coke and Pepsi; and parents not teaching the right choices.

I haven't seen one school that does have a vendor that offers all apples, water, orange juice, celery, etcetera... and not many parents are making their high-schooler children lunch bags anymore-- it is not "cool" anymore for kid to bring to school a brown bag.

At the schools all you see are the vendrs that sells Coke drinks, chips, cookies, and candies like Skittles and whatnot.

That is the PROBLEM there-- Kids are not being provided a balanced choice. I didn't eat right in my high school days and it showed-- I was 170+ pounds on my graduation day. I enrolled in a state university right away-- and by end of the first semester (six months after my graduation day), I dropped to 150 pounds.
Why? The university got balanced choices. They do have junk food, but they also offered oranges, apples, and SANDWICHES in the SAME store...
they are empowering the students to make wise choices instead of being trapped by all chips and sodas when one is having hunger pangs.

SO sad how the corporations are out to earn profits instead of being concerned about the overall health. The junk food companies are turning into monsters like Phyllis-Morris, the cigratte-maker company... didja know Phyllis-Morris are paying out of their funds to say: "Please don't smoke. It kills you!"
I would LOVE to see Pepsi to sponsor the ads: "Please stay healthy. Eat five servings of vegetables a day!" or "Don't drink more than one Pepsi a day! Go Water!" ...
SOMEDAY... someday....
I'm not sure if we can QUITE equate junk food companies and cigarette companies. Junk food is not addictive in the same way cigarettes are, and I think there's nothing wrong with a soda sometimes, or some chocolate, as long as you make sure to also eat healthy things, and to STOP eating when you're full. To me, there's more personal responsibility involved with food because food doesn't force you to keep eating it.

I do think it's a good idea for cafeterias to provide a full selection of foods (from junk food all the way to salad), but I don't think simply banning junk food or slapping a bunch of warning labels on it, as if people are too stupid to make their own choices, is a good idea.
"......and STOP eating when you are full....."

Yikes! Is there any other way!? Ah, yes, gluttony...forgot about that one.

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