Making new friendly friends!!


New Member
Jun 17, 2005
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:) I like to make new friendsss to get know you all deaf people!
;) Of course you will, you will make lots of friends here on AD. Everyone is so friendly, nice. The postings are very interesting. Join in on the threads anytime, and have a ball!!!!

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here, btw I like your avatar! ;)
Herzlich Willkommen zu AD

Come and share your posts here with us :thumb:
Hiya AngelzStarz,

Welcome to the AllDeaf ... Enjoy ur stay here! :)

Your avatar is so cool flashing.. hehe..!!

by the way , I am 28 , F, Ohio ... wink!

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Angelzstarz! I'm sure you'll meet many new friends here in AD...hope you'll enjoy your stay here as well!! ;)
You've come to the right place, Angelstarz. Good to have you here! Tell us about yourself. The more you post, the more we learn about you. Have fun!
making a new friends in the world

Yeah, I would like to make a new friends and enjoy to reading this post however I want to interseting to learn kinda of deaf ppls in the world. :lol:
Welcome to All Deaf and hope you enjoy to reading the posts and give your opinions. I will be glad to be your chat friend . We can to chat to getting know each other . Happy Forth of July!!!

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