Congrats, Sorry I missed this earlier... Wheres the pics of that beautiful baby?
When my son was born they had to induce my wife as well as she was already 2 weeks late. She dialated fine, but his heartbeat went up and down and they were concerned with that.... They told me it would be awhile before anything happens so my wife told me to go get something to eat (her mom and best friend were there) so I ran down the road for a quick bite to bring back. I was only gone for about 10 minutes and when I got back she was crying, Her best friend caught me in the hall and told me the doc came in and had her push and when she did his heatbeat would nearly stop so they said emergency c section...Im like WTF? now mind you my wife seen me and knew I was there, so Im in the hall wolfing down my meal real quick then I rush in, she didn't know I already knew but also thought I didn't care, why is beyond me... so doc comes in and I tell them Im going in with her, so they bring me all the garbs to wear and I change. She was scared out of her wits, it is a odd feeling in surgery, and I took pics even of the open C-section, (she wont look at those) but I thought it was cool, I just love blood and What was the problem was my son had the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around his neck, so every time she pushed his heartrate would drop, plus he was not coming down the birth canal either... so this was her worst birth and she doesn't want to go through this again.