*trots to Freaky & checks inside her pants!*
"OMFG!! What is that?!?!"

*trots to Freaky & checks inside her pants!*

Originally posted by kuifje75
Not everybody could tell that you are a male or a female in this forum anyhow.
Originally posted by kuifje75
*buzz buzz: OFF TOPIC bell is going off*
I knew Deaf258 was a guy, I was just being sarcastic.
NOW, get back to topic.
Deaf258 said:or..
go to deaf schools make you street smart
go to hearing schools make you socially stupid
hey! thats IMO (in my opinion) don't bash me, hearies.
<edit> Oh dear. This post has touched a nerve with some personal friends. I will make a better explaination what I believe in:
Recreational and elective courses (art, theater, PE, music) should be offered at the Deaf school while required courses (English, Math, reading, history, science) should be offered at mainstream schools. And the Deaf or Hard of Hearing student could go to both, to learn to be socially and educationally smart. Balance is the key.
Me thinks that would be an excellent idea. Mainstreaming would still be an option, but if the education at deaf schools improved then maybe more hearing people would send their kids to schools for the deaf. I know that one reason why a lot of parents want to mainstream their kids is so that they get a good education, since the education in the deaf schools(and ALL deaf schools....not just ASL Deaf...oral schools can be academicly bad too, especially since most of those kids don't have a good grasp on spoken language) tend to be so bad.Why can't we concerate on fighting for deaf schools education to improve instead of putting kids in mainstream classes?