Mainstream V Special School

oh boy, here we go again. Another person judging deaf from the outside because they not like hearing people.
To answer your question, I dont think mainstreaming is better for a majority of deaf children. We just had a former student who left us to be mainstreamed return today after a year and half of being gone. I was shocked to see her back and soooo thrilled! I was mainstreamed myself and was very unhappy.

well reasons you were not happy to being mainstreamed is that you didnt give a chance to make a friend with hearing people. I am very happy here at Jl Mann, it is best mainstream school. I have good hearing friends. I dont care if I am only deaf. why you were unhappy there? cuz you "cant" make friends there? oh pssh
i'm profoundly deaf (120 dB in both ears) and i was mainstreamed from pre-k to 12th grade. i didn't feel lonely, there was a small deaf/hh program at the elementary school i went to from pre-k to 4th grade.. but i was mainstreamed for my science/math, history, and social studies classes during that time. the girls who sat near me in 5th grade learned sign language just to talk to me.. then the signing spread to a few more hearing students. we even had a signing play in 5th grade, and we set up a signing club in middle school so more people could learn it. it was a success, but it fizzled out when i started high school - my interpreter was the leader. we had ASL classes in high school. i feel that my mainstream experience was a positive one. i was given the option of going to a deaf school when i was in middle school, but i didn't go because i had friends at school and i didn't want to leave them.

Yeah! :). I wouldnt leave my friends for deaf school
oh boy, here we go again. Another person judging deaf from the outside because they not like hearing people.

He went to the deaf school first. He has a basis to judge and is entitled to his opinion.
shrug -- I seen too many people who judge deaf and deaf school this way. And I've also seen how people judge black people because their way of thinking is different than theirs. It's judging.
well reasons you were not happy to being mainstreamed is that you didnt give a chance to make a friend with hearing people. I am very happy here at Jl Mann, it is best mainstream school. I have good hearing friends. I dont care if I am only deaf. why you were unhappy there? cuz you "cant" make friends there? oh pssh

You need not to be so judgemental to her. You don't know her stories, she may had more hearing friends than you realize. Even I had hearing friends.
You need not to be so judgemental to her. You don't know her stories, she may had more hearing friends than you realize. Even I had hearing friends.

joeydeafninja, You do not know she90l's story so I think you're out of place. Lighthouse is quite correct on this one.
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Oh please.. Everyone knows that this world is messed up with full of judgement and prejudces. Nobody is prefect.

Sorry if I offended you the way if you think I'm judging, I was speaking from my experinces and what I have seen. So ge over with it.

shrug -- I seen too many people who judge deaf and deaf school this way. And I've also seen how people judge black people because their way of thinking is different than theirs. It's judging.
Devo, it's rude to tell someone what her experiences are. Self-absorbed. Try being more open to other people's ideas and experiences. You'll learn a lot.
Oh please.. Everyone knows that this world is messed up with full of judgement and prejudces. Nobody is prefect.

Sorry if I offended you the way if you think I'm judging, I was speaking from my experinces and what I have seen. So ge over with it.

I've seen differently so....

But you need to give me examples... and I'm not talking about education being oppressed because deaf culture can not grow under hearing ideals.
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Oh please.. Everyone knows that this world is messed up with full of judgement and prejudces. Nobody is prefect.

Sorry if I offended you the way if you think I'm judging, I was speaking from my experinces and what I have seen. So ge over with it.

well reasons you were not happy to being mainstreamed is that you didnt give a chance to make a friend with hearing people. I am very happy here at Jl Mann, it is best mainstream school. I have good hearing friends. I dont care if I am only deaf. why you were unhappy there? cuz you "cant" make friends there? oh pssh

Knowing shel90 as I do, I can tell you that is an untrue statement. And it is extremely rude and self centered of you to make such a judgement against someone. Is that what they teach you in your hearing be rude and intolerant?
Its nice. Ah i moved deaf school when i was little kid to full public school, I was pretty super happy and i owe to my parents and people who suggested me to, Because years later i saw same classmates who i grew up when i was kid in deaf school, I noticed that their education and social skill and knowledge was pretty different. Seems like they have more struggle with hearing world than i does because i learned to survive and function with hearing people very well. Even experienced more stuff. But the mainstream will be nicer. So that way kid have a deaf and hearing world in one ways but i cant answer about mainstream.

Before making a comparison of the quality of education in deaf vs. mainstreamed schools, you should really make sure that your English is a bit more up to par. It says something different about the education you received than you are claiming.:cool2:
Yeah! :). I wouldnt leave my friends for deaf school

Friends are more important than education? Let's see of any of those friends are around to help you when you are trying to find a job with sub par academic skills.:roll:
Before making a comparison of the quality of education in deaf vs. mainstreamed schools, you should really make sure that your English is a bit more up to par. It says something different about the education you received than you are claiming.:cool2:

The school and friends in mainstreamed usually don't say anything about your writing if you are deaf or HoH because they don't want to hurt your feelings.

In another boards, when people don't know your background, they constantly tell you go to grammar school and such. One person did know, but asked me why deaf people write everything in backward. She says even I do it often, and I had no idea what she is talking about. And I grew up oral-only too (I wasn't writing in ASL).
The school and friends in mainstreamed usually don't say anything about your writing if you are deaf or HoH because they don't want to hurt your feelings.

In another boards, when people don't know your background, they constantly tell you go to grammar school and such. One person did know, but asked me why deaf people write everything in backward. She says even I do it often, and I had no idea what she is talking about. And I grew up oral-only too.

Yes, but the poster I was responding to keeps saying that mainstream ed is much better than deaf ed. The point I was making was that is not evident from his use of English writing skills.
Yes, but the poster I was responding to keeps saying that mainstream ed is much better than deaf ed. The point I was making was that is not evident from his use of English writing skills.

yes, I agree, it is not right for him to judge deaf school and deaf people's writing skills.

We are on the same page!:wave:

But I don't think this is how he started out here. He said he is happier and liked the mainstream better than deaf school, where he was until sixth grade.

He said he was better at it now than then.

And was immediately attacked.

Whether he is a great writer now should not matter. He may very well be much better than sixth grade.

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