Magnetic Levitation Train Could Reach Speeds Of 1,800 Miles Per Hour !!!

Image next second you saw something 1,000 feet in front of you what are your going to do? Brake won't do damn thing.

Modern trains can't stop in the distance they can see ahead, even on a very clear day.
didnt anyone read about the New York train M497 in New York in 1966? watch that video in the link too
fascinating what they did
No difference, with any train, even as low as 10 MPH with full load in behind, and you see something 1,000 feet away, you won't stop that 10MPH moving train within 1,000 feet. The faster the train goes, their response time increases. Like it takes a mile or two for freight train to come completely stop after braking at 55MPH, So, can you see anything a mile up? I don't think so.

Modern trains can't stop in the distance they can see ahead, even on a very clear day.