"Mad Money" DVD movie with no CC/english subtitle....

i have to apologise, i was mistaken, i check it again the other day, when i got out "Cloverfield" <that was worth it !... but Tinman was not subtitled, not even CC....
sorry. :(
but yip i know its annoying that we get exicted to see a possibilty a great movie only to find out its nto suitable for viewing (unless you're prepared to live in the pre-90's movie area when there was no such thing as subtitles - except teletext subtitles.

I suspect your problem has to do with the cable(s) you are using. I use a 20' Sharp LCD tv, use Component for gaming and most movies. However, when I watch a movie that does not have subtitles but only cc's, I have to take out my components(easily identifed by red, green, and blue cables for video) and put in my composite(yellow) to have the captions playing. There is a noticeable drop in picture quality, though.
My guy got me Mad Money last week. It was not captioned despite the CC on the DVD container.

But I will tell my guy test Dr. Strangelove's theory. I just looked at my HDTV cables. All those colors. The movies always worked except for this Mad Movie. We will see. Thanks for the heads up!

If you bump this in a few days, I will let you know what happened.