'Lucky' girl hit by lightning, then wins lottery


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Mar 5, 2003
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BLANCHARD, Mich. - No one quite understands the term "striking it lucky" better than 16-year-old BreAnna Helsel. The Michigan teen survived being struck by lightning and went on to win $20 in the lottery the next day.

Helsel was at her home in Blanchard, about 50 miles northeast of Grand Rapids, watching thunderstorms roll by on June 6 when she noticed rain entering an open kitchen window.

"She went to close the window and the lightning came through and hit her," her mother, Linda Johnson, told The Daily News of Greenville. "We think it must have hit the house or something."
To read the full article: 'Lucky' girl hit by lightning, then wins lottery
Talk about how lucky she is! :)

Either it was luck or fate.
It would have been better news had she won the 1 Million Powerball Lottery.
Then later, she will die.

High percent that people got nerly strike by lightning, will die later.
geez, have she yet?

only $20.. ? what makes it so special? hmm.

The chances of both things happening one day after the other are almost nil.

This is actually quite significant, and will hopefully be documented.

In theory, it would have to happen at least once, in a time line of infinity. Chances of it happening again are slim (the same as they were before, really).

What would have been REALLY cool, is if it happened to like three people at the same time. (which is possible, but extremely less likely)
The chances of both things happening one day after the other are almost nil.

This is actually quite significant, and will hopefully be documented.

In theory, it would have to happen at least once, in a time line of infinity. Chances of it happening again are slim (the same as they were before, really).

What would have been REALLY cool, is if it happened to like three people at the same time. (which is possible, but extremely less likely)

Nice explanation, there, Jen!
I need to take part of what I said back. It isn't like she won THE lottery as in first place money; she won 20 dollars and there were probably at least a half million people winning that amount so the odds are skewed. In my State if you win THE big one which is "first place", you have overcome this State's 1 in 42 million odds.
The chances of both things happening one day after the other are almost nil.

This is actually quite significant, and will hopefully be documented.

In theory, it would have to happen at least once, in a time line of infinity. Chances of it happening again are slim (the same as they were before, really).

What would have been REALLY cool, is if it happened to like three people at the same time. (which is possible, but extremely less likely)
What if I won $90 by winning 13 out of 15 scratch lottery tickets? Is that better?
What if I won $90 by winning 13 out of 15 scratch lottery tickets? Is that better?

Haha, that would be cool, depending on the odds, it would certainly be rare.

The significance with the lightening is this, though.

1. There has to be a storm or something to cause it
2. She had to be somewhere where the lightening could hit her.
3. It apparently didn't harm her significantly (it could have been fatal)

But with a lottery ticket, you can play a ticket every day for years.
The old saying that it is more likely to be struck by lightening than win the lottery is untrue, it is actually the opposite. The fact that she got hit by lightning, then played the lottery the very next day, and won something, all combined, is very rare.

But yeah, winning 13 out of 15 would be very unlikely too, especially if it is 13 in a row.
At least thats enough to buy her some movies, clothes, games, or whatever...lol congrats to her. :lol: