Losing war on Terrorism?

Thrawted isn't same as actually happened! I think you misunderstand what I am asking... I am asking that wheather the terrorist has strike again OR not? Not in process and busted. That is the job that government has done to prevent from happened. That is what we really needed.

bigdaddyb said:
Actually, several notable attempts have been twarted both before and after 9/11.

The fact that previous administrations were asleep at the switch on the terror threat doesn't mean that it's not real.

FWIW, as a Staunch, Ultra-right, gun-toting, Constitution-loving, Evangelical Christian Conservative, Bush 43 has turned out to be a disappointment. He was a great governor here in TX, but seems to have lost his way and most of his nerve as President.

Tell me a event that actually happen on AMERICA SOIL that had terrorized Americans anytime after 9-11? So far, I haven't heard of such event after 9-11! I know there has been terrorist activities occuring overseas... BUT NOT YET ON AMERICA SOIL!!! Thats my point!

Magatsu said:
Really? Wait and see. I strongly suggest you to check this statement out:

- Knight-Ridder reports today that the Bush administration announced yesterday that it has "decided to stop publishing an annual report on international terrorism after the government's top terrorism center concluded that there were more terrorist attacks in 2004 than in any year since 1985, the first year the publication covered." (gee, I wonder why he hurriedly hid it from the public)
Magatsu said:
Rare? Isolated incidents? Ha! that's funny :lol:. Based on that statement, it can be said that 9/11 is a rare and isolated incident too.
There have been many, many more terrorist attacks by Muslims in the U.S., and worldwide, then attacks on abortion clinics or gay bars. That doesn't mean it is OK to bomb clinics or bars. It means that those incidences are less of a national on-going threat.

You are surprised by that? *stunning* What?
I said "disappointed."
Exactly, terrorist have nothing to do with abortation clinics, and gay places. They intended to destroy America government, which they have completely failed MAJOR time. Perhaps terrorist realized that there is so much security going on, making it real hard for them to blow up or kill government executives. Remember the Athrax threats, of course it is part of terrorist activity, but the intention target was never achieved because of security steps required and protected these congresspeople.

Im not saying that we should ease our viligance against terrorist. Just keep being vilgant and keep our eyes peeled, so that terrorist will take the message that we are not stupid, or lenient. We are simply too big and powerful to be destroyed by small group of terrorist. Terrorist need the size of chinese population to beat us, and this won't happen anyway.

Reba said:
There have been many, many more terrorist attacks by Muslims in the U.S., and worldwide, then attacks on abortion clinics or gay bars. That doesn't mean it is OK to bomb clinics or bars. It means that those incidences are less of a national on-going threat.
Reba said:
There have been many, many more terrorist attacks by Muslims in the U.S., and worldwide, then attacks on abortion clinics or gay bars. That doesn't mean it is OK to bomb clinics or bars. It means that those incidences are less of a national on-going threat.

Just because you are an American does not mean you have the right to assume Islam, which is a religion centered around love and peace, has any correlation to the desires of a few insane people who use religion as a means to justify abusing other people.

A few Muslims (or so they call themselves, as they can't really be Muslims if they are so filled with hate) see fundamental problems with the United States of America based on America's actions against them in the past. Americans who dislike a particular group do all of the same things, protest, scream, complain and a few crazies actually take active steps to suppress the things they don't like by show of force. The Ku Klux Klan, Operation Rescue, Westboro Baptist Church and The Order are good examples of this. Neo-Naziism, anyone?

Just because American media, which is censored by the US government, does not run stories about these things or the terrible things they do does not mean they do not exist. It just means the administration wishes to quash dissent and any views which run contrary to their own.

Don't make Christians out to be a superior group of people when they do *exactly* the same things the so-called 'inferior' groups do. If you do, you're not superior, you're just an ignorant fool who wants to feel good about your life by being a bully. And if you don't think Christians are inherently superior, you need to work on your means of expressing it, as you're clearly indicating that Christian terrorist organisations bombing everthing they don't like is clearly not as sinful as Muslim terrorist organisations bombing everything they don't like.

If you think Muslims are infidels and are thusly damned, come out and say it, rather than using the facade of terrorism to attempt to justify your racist views. And if you don't think that, you need to educate yourself on politics.
Tell me a event that actually happen on AMERICA SOIL that had terrorized Americans anytime after 9-11? So far, I haven't heard of such event after 9-11! I know there has been terrorist activities occuring overseas... BUT NOT YET ON AMERICA SOIL!!! Thats my point!
Yeah....so? That doesn't mean that the War on Terror is a sucess......
there were only a handful of unprovoked foreign terrorist events.....Pearl Harbor....the attempt on the WTC back in the early '90s
Reba, yeah....I meant the Eric Rudoph case not the 1972 Olympic case

Funny, isn't? Anyway, I think terrorists have aim, gaining power like other great states. They use methods of violence and propaganda against civilians. They try to brainwash us (above all in Europe) that terror attacks are justified.
Teresh said:
Just because you are an American does not mean you have the right to assume Islam, which is a religion centered around love and peace...
I am listening. Please explain to me what you mean by "a religion centered around love and peace." I am not arguing; I just want specific clarification about what that means.

Just because American media, which is censored by the US government...
No, the government doesn't censor the American media. The American media is full of stories negative to the current administration, the war in Iraq, FEMA, Social Security, etc. I don't call that censorship.

...It just means the administration wishes to quash dissent and any views which run contrary to their own.
If that's the case, they sure aren't doing a very good job of quashing.

... as you're clearly indicating that Christian terrorist organisations bombing everthing they don't like is clearly not as sinful as Muslim terrorist organisations bombing everything they don't like.
If anyone commits terrorist acts in the name of Christ, they are equally wrong and sinful as any other group.

If you think Muslims are infidels and are thusly damned, come out and say it, rather than using the facade of terrorism to attempt to justify your racist views. And if you don't think that, you need to educate yourself on politics.
No one is damned for being a Muslim.

Every one is damned for being a sinner.

All sinners (on the whole planet Earth) need redemption thru Jesus Christ.

Terrorism is wrong for every group and individual.

The biggest organized international threat of terrorism at this time is from Muslim extremists. It was Muslims that attacked the United States on 9/11, Bali, the trains in Spain, the buses and tubes in England, the USS Cole, the school children in Russia, the Phillipines, 1972 Olympics, and multitudes of attacks in Israel.

I have no hatred for individual Muslims. But I will not ignore the terrorist threat either.
Why do we need the war on terror?

On June 15, 1985 Hezballah Shi'ites brutally beat, tortured and then killed 23 year old Robert Dean Stethem as he was being held hostage aboard TWA 847 commercial airliner. Robert was on his way home after a tour of duty with the US Navy in the Middle East. The terrorists had hijacked the plane with 153 passengers in Athens Greece forcing the pilot to fly twice to Algiers and twice to Beirut during the 17 day siege. The hostages were released after Israel released 435 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners.
"When the plane was at the Beirut airport in Lebanon, Petty Officer Stethem was singled out because he was in the US military. After many hours of being cruelly beaten, tortured, and finally killed by the terrorists, they threw his body from the plane in a final disgraceful, cowardly act. The wounds were so terrible that his body had to be identified by its fingerprints.
Throughout the ordeal, Robert Stethem did not yield, and instead encouraged his fellow passengers to endure by his example. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for heroism and bravery. He is buried at Arlington Cemetery."
--Mark Crawford, Bryantown from "Who Was Robert Stethem"

The victim's brother said he remembers the funeral at Arlington National Cemetery and can't help but think about the flag-draped coffin.
"Every time I look at the flag now and for the rest of my life,'' said Kenneth Stethem, "the red will represent the blood he spilled, the blue the beating and bruises he endured, and the white the purity and integrity he demonstrated in sacrificing his life.''
--Arlington National Cemetery
Tribute to Robert Stethem
"I was one of the Navy Seabee Divers who had to endure the pain of hearing and seeing SW2 (DV) Robert Stethem go through the brutality of terrorism on June 14, 1985... As the gunman fired the fatal shot into my friends head, he cried out to God. That is the example I will always remember and try to follow. Never give up, endure all that is pressed upon me, and cry out to God for strength when I have done all that is within my power. We as a Nation can respond to evil in this same way.
On June 25, 1996 a bomb carrying fuel truck exploded outside the Khobar Towers (a U.S. military housing facility) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia killing 19 USAF military personnel and wounding 515 persons, including 240 U.S. personnel. The Saudi Hizaballah were responsible for the attack.

The following Americans were killed that horrifying day.

Christopher J. Adams
Massapequa Park, New York TSgt Daniel B. Cafourek
Watertown, South Dakota
Sgt Milliard D. Campbell
Angelton, Texas SrA Earl F. Cartrette, Jr.
Sellersburg, Indiana
TSgt Patrick P. Fennig
Greendale, Wisconsin Leland T. Haun
Clovis, California
Michael G. Heiser
Palm Coast, Florida Kevin J. Johnson
Shreveport, Louisiana
Ronald L. King
Battlecreek, Michigan MSgt Kendall K.Kitson
Yukon, Oklahoma
Christopher Lester
Pineville, West Virginia A1C Brent E. Marthaler
Cambridge, Minnesota
A1C Brian W. McVeigh
Debary, Florida A1C Peter J. Morgera
Stratham, New Hampshire
TSgt Thanh V. Nguyen
Panama City, Florida A1C Joseph E. Rimkus
Edwardsville, Illinois
SrA Jeremy A. Taylor
Rosehill, Kansas Justin R. Wood
Modesto, California
A1C Joshua E. Woody
Corning, California
On October 12, 2000 in the Aden Harbor at Yemen a suicide squad rammed the warship USS Cole with an explosives-laden boat killing 17 American sailors and injuring 33. The attack was by Osama bin Ladin's al-Qaida organization. In the summer of 2001 Bin Laden circulated a videotape of his victory poem about the USS Cole bombing, before issuing a call to arms: "To all the Mujah: Your brothers in Palestine are waiting for you; it's time to penetrate America and Israel and hit them where it hurts the most."

The following American sailors lost their lives on that sad day.

Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter, 21
Mechanicsville, Virginia

Richard Costelow, 35
Morrisville, Pennsylvania

Lakeina Monique Francis, 19
Woodleaf, North Carolina

Tim Gauna, 21
Rice, Texas

Cherone Louis Gunn, 22
Rex, Georgia

James Rodrick McDaniels, 19
Norfolk, Virginia

Marc Nieto, 24
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Ronald Scott Owens, 24
Vero Beach, Florida

Lakiba Nicole Palmer, 22
San Diego, California

Joshua Parlett, 19
Churchville, Maryland

Patrick Roy, 19
Keedysville, Maryland

Kevin Shawn Rux, 30
Portland, North Dakota

Ronchester Santiago, 22
Kingsville, Texas

Timothy Lamont Saunders, 32
Ringgold, Virginia

Gary Graham Swenchonis, 26
Rockport, Texas

Andrew Triplett, 30
Macon, Mississippi

Craig Wibberley, 19
Williamsport, Maryland
On February 26, 1993 four Islamic/Arab terrorists planted a bomb in the World Trade Center underground parking garage killing six and wounding over a thousand people. The Al-Gama (IG) terrorists were later found in the Phillipines and in Pakistan and were returned to the United States for trial. Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, mastermind of the attack, and Shaykh Umar Abd al-Rahman, spirtual leader, were sentenced to life in prison. The following Americans were killed on the terrifying day.

John DiGiovanno Stephen Knapp
Robert Kirkpatrick William Macko
Wilfredo Mercado Monica Smith
Nicholas Berg, 26, of West Chester, Pennsylvania, an American telecommunications contractor, was taken hostage and later beheaded in Iraq. His brutal murder was videotaped and published on the internet.
Al Qaeda terrorists Abu Musa'b al-Zarqawi and Muntada al-Ansar were among the five terrorists involved in this barbaric savage act.
Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda cowardly serial killers exploded a bomb on August 7, 1998 at the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya killing 291 people including twelve Americans and wounding over 5,000.

Jesse Nathanial Aliganga Julian Leotis Bartley Jr Julian Leotis Bartley Sr.
Jean Rose Dalizu Kenneth Ray Hobson Prabhi Gutpara Kavaler
Arlene Bradley Kirk Unknown American Unknown American
Unknown American Unknown American Unknown American
A Libyan bomb hidden in a suitcase exploded aboard Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland killing 259 passengers and 11 people on the ground. The following are the Americans killed in this barbaric, cowardly terrorist attack.

John M. Ahern, 26
Rockville Center, NY
Sarah M Aicher, 29
London, England
John D. Akerstrom, 34
Medina, Ohio.
Thomas J. Ammerman, 36
Old Tappan, NJ
Martin L. Apfelbaum, 59
Philadelphia, PA
Rachel M. Asrelsky, 21
NY City, NY
Judith E. Atkinson
London, England
William G Atkinson, 33
London, England
Jerry D Avritt
Westminster, CA
Harry M. Bainbridge, 34
Montrose, NY
Stuart M. Barclay, 29
Farm Barnard, Vermont
Julian M Benello, 25
Brookline, Mass
Lawrence Bennett, 41
Chelsea, Michigan
Philip Bergstrom, 22
Forest Lake, Minn
Michael Bernstein, 36
Bethesda, Maryland
Steven R. Berrell, 20
Fargo, North Dakota
Kenneth J. Bissett, 21
Hartsdale, NY
Stephen J. Boland, 20
Nashua, New Hampshire
Paula Bouckley, 29
Liverpool, NY
Nicole E. Boulanger, 21
Shrewsbury, Mass
Nicholas Bright, 32
Brookline, Mass
Colleen R Brunner, 20
Hamburg, NY Michael W. Buser, 34
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Warren M Buser, 62
Glen Rock, NJ
Steven L. Butler, 35
Denver, Colorado
Valerie Canady, 25
Morgantown, WV
Gregory Capasso, 21
Brooklyn, NY
Timothy M Cardwell, 21
Cresco, PA
Richard A. Cawley, 43
NY City, NY Frank Ciulla, 45
Park Ridge, NJ
Theodora E Cohen, 20
Port Jervis, NY Eric M. Coker, 20
Mendham, NJ
Jason M. Coker, 20
Mendham, NJ
Gary L Colasanti, 20
Melrose, Mass
Scott Cory, 20
Old Lyme Court, Conn
Willis L Coursey, 40
San Antonio, Texas
Patricia M Coyle, 20
Wallingford, Conn
John B Cummock, 38
Coral Gables, Florida
Joseph P Curry, 31
Fort Devens, Mass
William A Daniels, 40
Belle Mead, NJ
Gretchen J Dater, 20
Ramsey, NJ
Shannon Davis, 19
Shelton, Conn
Joyce C Dimauro, 39
NY City, NY
David S Domstein, 25
Philadelphia, PA
Michael J Doyle, 30
Voorhees, NJ
Edgar H Eggleston, 24
Glens Falls, NY
Turhan Ergin, 22
West Hartford, Conn
Charles T Fisher, 34
London, England
Clayton L Flick, 25
Coventry, England
John P Flynn, 21
Montville, NJ
Arthur Fondiler, 33
West Amonk, NY
Robert G Fortune, 40
Jackson Heights, NY
James R Fuller, 50
Bloomfield Hills, Mich
Amy B Gallagher, 22
Quebec, Canada
Matthew K Gannon, 34
Los Angeles, CA
Kenneth R Gareczynnski, 37
New Brunswick, NJ
Kenneth J Gibson, 20
Romulus, Mich
William D Giebler, 29
London, England
Linda Gordon-Gorgaez, 39
London, England
Anne Gorgaez, 76
Newcastle, PA
Loretta A Gorgaez, 47
Newcastle, PA
David Gould, 45
Pittsburgh, PA
Lorraine F Halsch, 31
Fairport, NY
Lynne C Hartunian, 21
Schenectady, NY
Anthony L Hawkins, 57
Brooklyn, NY
Pamela E Herbert, 19
Battle Creek, Mich
Rodney Philbert, 40
Newton, PA
Katherine A Hollister, 20
Rego Park, NY
Melina K Hudson, 16
Albany, NY
Karen L. Hunt, 20
Webster, NY
Roger E Hurst, 38
Ringwood, NJ
Khalid N Jaafar, 20
Dearborn, Mich
Robert V Jeck, 57
Mountain Lakes, NJ
Kathleen M Jermyn, 20
Staten Island, NY
Beth A Johnson, 21
Greensburg, PA
Mary A L Johnson, 25
Wayland, Mass
Timothy B Johnson, 21
Neptune, NJ
Christopher A Jones, 20
Claverack, NY
Julianne F Kelly, 20
Dedham, Mass
Jay J Kingham, 44
Potomac, Maryland
Patricia A Klein, 35
Trenton, NJ
Gregory Kosmowski, 40
MiIford, Michigan
Robert A LaRiviere, 33
Alexandria, Virginia
Robert M Leckburg, 30
Piscataway, NJ
William C Leyrer, 46
Bay Shore, NY
Wendy A Lincoln, 23
North Adams, Mass
Alexander S Lowenstein, 21
Morristown, NJ
Lloyd D Ludlow, 41
Macksville, Kansas
Daniel E McCarthy, 31
Brooklyn, NY
Robert E McCollum, 61
Wayne, PA
Charles D McKee, 40
Arlington, Virginia
Bernard J McLaughlin, 30
Bristol, England
William E Mack, 30
NY City, NY
Douglas E Malicote, 22
Lebanon, Ohio
Wendy G Malicote, 21
Lebanon, Ohio
Elizabeth L Marek, 30
NY City, NY
Louis A Marengo, 33
Rochester, Michigan
Noel G Martin, 27
Clapton, England
Diane S Maslowski, 30
NY City, NY
Jane S Melber, 27
Middlesex, England
Suzanne M Miazga, 22
Marcy, NY
Joseph K Miller, 53
Woodmere, NY
Richard P Monetti, 20
Cherry Hill, NJ
Jane A Morgan, 37
London, England
Eva I Morson, 48
NY City, NY
Sean K Mulroy, 25
Lund, Sweden
Karen E Noonan, 20
Potomac, Maryland
Daniel E O'Connor, 31
Boston, Mass
M Denice O'Neil, 21
Bronx, NY
Anne L Otenasek, 21
Baltimore, Maryland
Laura A Owens, 8
Cherry Hill, NJ
Martha Owens, 44
Cherry Hill, NJ Robert P Owens, 45
Cherry Hill, NJ
Sarah Rebecca Owens, 14
Cherry Hill, NJ
Robert I Pagnucco, 51
South Salem, NY
Christos M Papadopoulos, 45
Lawrence, NY Peter R Peirce, 40
Perrysburg, Ohio
Michael Pescatore, 33
Solon, Ohio
Sarah S B Phillips, 20
Newtonville, Mass
Frederick S Phillips, 27
Little Rock, Arkansas
James A C Pitt, 24
South Hadley, Mass
David Platt, 33
Staten Island, NY
Walter L Porter, 35
Brooklyn, NY
Pamela L Posen, 20
Harrison, NY
William Pugh, 56
Margate, NJ
Anmol Rattan, 2
Warren. Michigan
Garima Rattan, 29
Warren, Michigan
Suruchi Rattan, 3
Warren, Michigan
Anita L Reeves, 24
Laurel, Maryland
Mark A Rein, 44
NY City, NY
Diane M Rencevicz, 21
Burlington, NJ
Louise A Rogers, 20
Olney, Maryland
Saul M Rosen, 35
Morris Plains, NJ
Andrea V Rosenthal, 20
NY City, NY Daniel P Rosenthal, 20
Staten Island, NY
Elyse J Saraceni, 20
East London, England
Scott C Saunders, 21
Macungie, PA
Robert T Schlageter, 20
Warwick, Rhode Island
Thomas B Schultz, 20
Ridgefield, Conn
Amy E Shapiro, 21
Stamford, Conn
Joan Sheanshang, 46
NY City, NY
Irving S Sigal, 35
Pennington, NJ
Cynthia J Smith, 21
Milton, Mass
James A Smith, 55
NY Citv, NY
Mary E Smith, 31
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Charlotte A Stinnett, 36
NY City, NY
Michael G Stinnett, 26
Duncanville, Texas
Stacey L Stinnett, 9
Duncanville, Texas
James R Stow, 49
NY City, NY
Elia G Stratis, 43
Montvale, NJ
Arva A Thomas, 17
Detroit, Michigan
Jonathan R Thomas, 2 months
Southfield, Michigan
Lawanda Thomas, 21
Southfield, Michigan
Marc L Tobin, 21
North Hempstead, NY
Alexia K Tsairis, 20
Franklin Lakes, NJ
Barry J Valentino, 28
San Francisco, CA
Thomas F Van Tienhoven, 45
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nicholas A Vrenios, 20
Washington, D.C
Thomas E Walker, 47
Quincy, Mass
Kesha Weedon, 20
Bronx, NY
Jerome L Weston, 45
Baldwin, NY
Jonathan White, 33
North Hollywood, CA
Bonnie L Williams, 21
Crown Point, NY
Brittany L Williams, 2 months
Crown Point, NY
Eric J Williams, 24
Crown Point, NY
Stephanie L. Williams, 1
Crown Point, NY
George W Williams, 24
Joppa, Maryland
Miriam L Wolfe, 20
Severna Park. Maryland
Chelsea M Woods, 10 months
Willingboro, NJ
Dedera L Woods, 27
Willingboro, NJ
Joe N Woods, Jr, 2
Willingboro, NJ
Joe N Woods, 28
Willingboro, NJ
Mark J Zwynenburg, 29
West Nyack, NY

Take particular note of the number of families who perished together on that tragic day.
The brutal and barbaric slaying of Leon Klinghoffer has haunted us for many years. On October 7, 1985 as 69 year old disabled Leon Klinghoffer sat in his wheelchair aboard the Achilles Lauro cruise ship, four Palestinian terrorists shot before throwing him overboard while his wife watched in horror. Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer, American Jews, had been celebrating their wedding anniversary by taking this cruise.
The Palestinians hijacked the Italian cruise ship as it left Egypt for Israel holding 400 passengers hostage for two days. They released the hostages when Egypt agreed to grant the terrorists safe passage. As Egypt was flying the terrorists to Tunis, US Navy fighter planes forced them to land at a NATO base in Italy. (When asked if the operation should proceed to force down the EyptiAir plane carrying Abul Abbas and other terrorists who had hijacked the Achille Lauro, President Ronald Reagan said: "Good God! They've murdered an American here. Let's get on with it.". US Resolve Political Quotes).
Insisting upon jurisdiction, the Italian government immediately sent Mohammed Abul Abbas, the mastermind of the hijacking to Yugoslavia for safety. (Mohammed Abul Abbas was later convicted in absentia to life imprisonment.) The apprehended Palestinian hijackers were tried and sent to Italian prisons where they later escaped.
In 1982, at the request of the Lebanese government, the United States established a peacekeeping force between Muslims and Christians in Beirut. The Muslim forces however viewed the soldiers as their enemies and frequently attacked them with artillery and mortar. On September 20, 1984 in another barbaric, cowardly attack the Hizballah exploded a truck bomb outside of the U.S. Embassy in Aukar, Lebanon killing 24 including two of our American soldiers and wounding over 21 people.

NPO1 Michael Wagner
Zebulon, NC

ACWL II Kenneth V. Welch
Grand Rapids, MI
We will always remember the savage torture and murder of Lt. Colonel William F. Buckley.

USALC and CIA Station Chief, William Francis Buckley, 57, was kidnapped from Beirut, Lebanon on March 16, 1984 before being taken to Iran where he was brutally tortured and killed. He was held captive for 15 months before dying from the torture he had received. In 1991 his body, wrapped in blankets was dumped on a road near the Beirut airport.

He is survived by Candace Hammond and two sisters. Lt Colonel Buckley is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
On September 8, 1974 a bomb hidden onboard TWA 841 exploded plunging 88 people to their deaths in the Ionian Sea. The airliner was traveling from Tel Aviv to New York with a stopover in Rome and Athens. Palestinian Abu Nidal was responsible for this barbaric and heartbreaking attack.

Report from the USS Biddle
(a warship sent in a rescue/recovery operation)
By Ronnie Slaughter

"In the first hours after we arrived on scene, most of us would remember the strange quiet and the sadness that filled the air around us. The sea had already spread the wreckage out over a large area. For most of us, it was our first SAR, and we had no way of knowing what to expect. Like most young men our age, we had awakened that morning with thoughts of girlfriends and distant memories of home. But this day would end like no other that any of us had seen before, or would see again, and this event would put things in their proper perspective. Indeed, it would change all of us... forever."

The following Americans were killed on that terrible day.

Steven R. Lowe, 32
Sadly Missed By His Wife and Son Etan Bard
of Tuckahoe, NY
Seldon Bard
of Tuckahoe, NY
Mrs. Katherine Hadley Michel
of Poughkeepsie, NY
Jeremiah Michel
of Poughkeepsie, NY
Jon L. Cheshire
of Old Lyme, CT
Frederick Hare
of Bernardsville, NJ
Margaret Hare
of Bernardsville, NJ
Don H. Holliday
of Mahwah, NJ
Ralph H. Bosh
of Madison, CT
Dr. Frederick Stohlman
of Newton, MA
Mrs. Frederick Stohlman
of Newton, MA
Sixteen months after being kidnapped, Peter Kilburn was shot before being dumped in the mountains of Lebanon. Mr. Kilburn, of San Francisco, was a librarian at the American University in Beirut when he was taken hostage.
Arab Fedayeen (peasants) proudly took credit for this barbaric murder that Iran financed.

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