Looking to practice ASL and make friends over skype

Hey guys I made a new Skype because I forgot my password my new name is xobeachchickkox
Hey everybody

I'm new to this forum. I'm a beginner/intermediate signer (i can carry on a conversation but not at a fluent pace). I'm looking for anyone that wants to practice their signing with me :). My skype handle is: s_johnson91. Feel free to add me if you want to practice!
hey nekosammie. I sent you a friend request on skype if you still want to practice your ASL :)
Hello! I'm in my 2nd semester learning ASL, I would like to practice so i can become more fluid. Its hard waiting a week for another class, I want to use the skill I'm learning :) my skype is urgurlshae
im in my first semester of asl classes if you ever want to Skype for practice my Skype is failynn320

Hi all,

I am currently learning to sign (ASL) and I am in sore need of practice. If you're D/deaf, hoh, or learning sign too, feel free to contact me! I'd love to practice over skype with you.
I am a second semester ASL student in Colorado. I'm very happy I found this site, I've been looking for some people to practice with on skype for awhile. My skype name is RebelEclipse. Hope to hear from some of you soon. THANKS!!
Fluent in ASL

Hi everyone,
I'm looking to improve my signing with someone who is pretty good at signing. I'm good at voice to sign but I have trouble with sign to voice. I feel like there are so many new ASL words popping up and I frequently am asking "what's that word?" I have skype! Let me know!
I wan wanting to practice and get make skill with my sign, (better grammar) my skype is ashley.cothren

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Hey there! I'm new to this app.. I'm a hearing person, but I'm learning ASL and I would love to practice talking with people sometime! I'm pretty new to this.. Lol I'm learning ASL on my own and I'm picking up on signing pretty well, but for some reason it's much harder to process someone else signing to ME, so I need practice in that area.

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I am hearing, but my bf is deaf and I would love to help you is you want :)

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Hey there! I'm new to this app.. I'm a hearing person, but I'm learning ASL and I would love to practice talking with people sometime! I'm pretty new to this.. Lol I'm learning ASL on my own and I'm picking up on signing pretty well, but for some reason it's much harder to process someone else signing to ME, so I need practice in that area.

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I can help you if you want I :) I am hearing though

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I all add you when my internet is back up idk but I am having problems

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