Sooo what are you waiting for? Find a place like Hearing Society or maybe a college or better yet see if you can find in a Deaf school that would recommend a ASL or sign language class that you can attend and learn how to use them. Then you can immerse with the Deaf community or Deaf event to just go with the flow with the d/D/HOH people. They will be happy to communicate with you. Just don't give up and you will be okay and fine.
As for me, I am Deaf, but I wear my hearing aid on my left ear only which I am getting close to profound deafness. My right ear is wholly totally full deaf and can not use the hearing aid as I could not hear anything from it. I was also mainstreamed in both elementary school and high school. I was having a hard time understanding in the regular classrooms. I like to be with my deaf classmates in the special education classroom which was a homeroom. Then we had to venture ourselves into the regular classrooms with no interpreters and we did not learn how to use sign language because the principal would not allow us to use sign language. But anyway, to AllDeaf in spite of having already make many posts in your threads. Just have fune and enjoy with us.