I'm new to this, but came across on Google. Figured it may be a good site to find more help and info... I have Moderate to Profound Hearing Loss in the High Frequency. I currently have Analog BTE hearing aids. I've had analog since I was 5 and it's all I've ever had and am used to. Tried a couple digital ones in the past, but I didn't like the way they sounded. But it's coming to the point where any day these hearings aids are just going to kick the bucket. So, I'm trying to find out what people with similar hearing loss are wearing and liking! Also, if there is any help out there financially for hearing aids. That has been my biggest issue is that there just seems to not being any kind of help for hard of hearing world! Which just seems completely unfair. Any advice or a point in the right direction would be awesome!! Thank you to anyone!!