Looking for Movie: Murderball


New Member
Dec 20, 2009
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Hey everyone;
I'm looking for a copy of a movie called "Murderball". I had HMV order it in for me, but the copy they got wasn't CC'd. I looked at the production company website and there seems to have been 2 releases; the first wasn't cc'd, but the second was and included an extra special feature of Keith getting his W/C.
Anyone know where I can get this edition?
Have you tried best buy, futureshop or amazon?
I played Quad Rugby (Murderball) for 11 years and was on the Board for the USQRA. I can touch base with some players and coaches and see if anyone has one for sale.
I netflixed it based on this thread. Good movie. I tried to burn a copy for you, but my burning program said the disc was too scratched (but weird, cause it played in my dvd player just fine). Sorry EQL. :(
I netflixed it based on this thread. Good movie. I tried to burn a copy for you, but my burning program said the disc was too scratched (but weird, cause it played in my dvd player just fine). Sorry EQL. :(

thanks for trying! at least there is a copy out there..