Looking for Friends


New Member
Jan 27, 2014
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Hi everyone. I'm 30 and I am hearing. A few months ago, I met my 2nd cousin for the first time. She is deaf and from Texas. She is staying over her for a while while her father's estate is settled since he recently passed. I had the privilege of having lunch with her and my biological family. I am adopted, but I do know my biological family. I had learned the sign language alphabet and some basic signs at church when I was little. My cousin can lip read, but there were still some words that she had trouble with. I was able to finger spell what she had trouble understanding. Through that one meeting with her, she gave me a great deal of inspiration that day. I really would like to learn more sign language and perhaps one day go to school to get into interpretation. My big goal is to teach in a school for deaf children. My cousin recently got a new computer to take back to Texas when she goes to keep in contact with me on Skype, teach me more signs, and to practice signing with me.


Ha ha, mine is bigger than yours!
Thank you for the welcome's, everyone. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
:welcome: to AllDeaf Forum. If you want to teach d/Deaf children as long as you sign to them. Special Education sucks. That is not what they want. Deaf Education or Deaf program is much better which they can sign with ASL in Deaf schools or mainstream schools (of course need ASL interpreters for hearing classrooms).

Enjoy reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave: