Looking for a roommate? What are some strange requirements?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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Let's say that you're looking for a roommate. You may have a list of what you're looking for in a roommate.

Some usual requirements may include:

Female or male roommate only
someone who can keep their living quarters clean

What are some strange requirements you've seen or heard of?

For example:

Someone who has their own vehicle.
Someone who may offer good networking of friends or associates
Someone who knows how to fix vehicles

What about you?
When I was looking for apartment in California I saw a few for rents in the newspaper looking for a woman roommate and you had to be gay so that was out for me. One ad said " No plastic lawn chairs were allowed. "
Roommate? I prefer to live alone with my dog. Less problems for me. I am 44 years old and need some peace. That's what I want for myself. :cool2:
My dog is my roommate . I find Marty sleeping on my side of the bed at night looking very comfy . :giggle:
Various background checks (criminal, health, sexual history, etc)

Use of garage - Extra!

Must wear clothes on premises.

Visitations must be announced in advance.

My worst roommate of the century want me to inform her where I am going every time I exit the door. WTF! I have a ****ing life! She moved out three days later. :lol: Next roommate was my best roommate ever, he is exchange student from South Korea. I taught him how to surf, and took him to Lake Tahoe to snowboard. He also share his Korean food with me, so I did with Russian. Now I am living on my own, no more roommates for good.
the second example you give dereck is just wishful thinking and hope..i think if they asked if could breed their mice or tarantula spider they not got a hope of renting with me
If you do decide to have a roommate, have a written & signed contract in case a problem arises.

I never lived with a roommate so can't speak from experience