a man of science![]()
well it is very very mystery! but i vote god because he made a big bang at the begining.. but one big problem is the question .. is that who made god! that is big question.. no one knows.. the answer is simple go make time machine.. like we did one thread somewhere in alldeaf.com hehe it is pretty interesting..
where in that verse, chapter, or book does it say what created God? just because God created everything doesn't mean the question is answered.Christianity answers the question of who created God in the very first verse of the very first book, Genesis:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1)
This verse tells us that God was acting before time when He created the universe. Many other verses from the New Testament tells us that God was acting before time began, and so, He created time, along with the other dimensions of our universe:
well i never brought up time travel, but now that you mention it...
time travel is certainly possible. you and i are time travelers. we are constantly moving forward through time, into the future. the question is, is it possible to move forward in time faster, or for that matter, slower than everything else? however, traveling to the past, as i understand it, is a much more complex matter.
oh, and also, why do you mention time travel and heaven together? as far as i know, heaven is not a trip to the past or future. rather, it is geographically and temporally completely isolated from corporeal existence. it's like some Nth dimension realm where time does not apply. which, of course, makes it impossible for humans to ever go there or see it, and therefore, impossible to ever prove it exists. you simply have to "believe" in it for some reason, like we do with so many things.
show me a photograph of heaven and i'll start going to church and putting my pennies in the collection plate like a good boy.
God created it as I believed.God is so awesome
2 thingsOkay. This is a really sticky topic. That is why I don't talk about reglions to one another. Because, we all have our own beliefs. Of course I believe in God. However, I don't think its appropriate for one another to be correcting our beliefs. No one is right or wrong. We all have a destiny...regardless in whatever we believe in. So here's my two cents.
Its just a controversial topic. Always will be.
2 things
1. "Of course I believe in God"
you say "of course," like that's the only thing to believe, and you'd be ridiculous to believe in anything else. forshame.
2. "We all have a destiny"
that depends on your definition of "destiny". if you mean that things happen to us and then we die, then yes. if you mean that everything in our lives has already been predetermined, then i think not. i think that's a potentially destructive way to live that encourages people not to take responsibility for anything they do. if i have a destiny, i can't defy it, so why shouldn't i just act on every depraved notion i've ever had? why shouldn't i rape and murder everyone i see? "it was my destiny".
*takes your advice and rapes and murders a bunch of people*
*gets death sentence*
*regrets raping and murdering people while heart explodes from deadly chemical cocktail administered by federal justice system*
what is this quintessence of dust? man delights not me: no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.