Lock of Love


Active Member
Mar 25, 2004
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I know some of ADers did that. I would love do that but my hair won't go grow fast! :( I wouldn't mind to help those innocent children/young adults. Wigs are very expensive!

If you have a story to share, please share that with us! We'll love to hear those wonderful stories. Interesting! Must 10 inches or longer to donate the hair. I think it is so NEAT to donate and make YOU feel good that you are helping someone else!


Here is the link for more information or go to Google search for "LOCK OF LOVE" and they'll give you lists. :thumb:
Locks of Love helps disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss


Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need.
I cut off my hair for Locks for Love earlier this year right before christmas time and after they recieve your hair you get a card saying thankyou for donating well i just happened to recieve my card on december 23rd what an amazing christmas present. I can't wait to grow my hair our again and do it again. my family is trying to talk my sister doing it because we have so much hair and hers is very thick and would make a beauitful wig but she doesn't want it to short. It's a really touching thing to do. Laketahoe just be patience hopefully your hair will grow long enough and when it does and you can cut it it will be a truley life touching expeirence
i grew my hairs and finally cut it off one year ago... I donated that to the Locks of Love... I am growing the hairs again... ha.. one more year then I will donate my hairs ...

The secret to grow hairs is take vitamins, Biotin as its for hairs and skins.. it helped. so try that? :)
i grew my hairs and finally cut it off one year ago... I donated that to the Locks of Love... I am growing the hairs again... ha.. one more year then I will donate my hairs ...

The secret to grow hairs is take vitamins, Biotin as its for hairs and skins.. it helped. so try that? :)

That's awesome Ginger donating your hair to Locks of Love... Wishing I've known this as I use to have long hair that was down to my waist... it was beautiful until I had it chopped off up to my shoulders.. grrr

What's BIOTIN????

Well all I can say is keep brushing your hair and also put it in a ponytail alot lol.. but for some people don't have that luxury as I have tons which I really need to get a haircut as it's down in middle of my back...
That's awesome Ginger donating your hair to Locks of Love... Wishing I've known this as I use to have long hair that was down to my waist... it was beautiful until I had it chopped off up to my shoulders.. grrr

What's BIOTIN????

Well all I can say is keep brushing your hair and also put it in a ponytail alot lol.. but for some people don't have that luxury as I have tons which I really need to get a haircut as it's down in middle of my back...

Biotin - vitamin H information page. All about biotin (also known as vitamin H) and the role it plays in your diet.

Biotin, as referred to as Vitamin H is part of the Vitamin B complex group and might be interesting to some people since one of the most visible symptoms of shortage of this vitamin is thinning of hair which can lead to total hair loss.

now if u grow your hairs more longer and if u are ready to have it cut off then you can donate to the locks of Love .. :)
AHH THANKS! I'll get those when I have extra money. :) My hair is kinda thin and always fall out when I wash my hair/brush. I don't wash my hair everyday...3 times a week unless if I go swimming in the pool, must wash hair...in lake not need to! :)

If my hair is long enough to my butt, then I can donate my curly hair. :) I am sure some little girls would LOVE to have curly hair :)

Biotin - vitamin H information page. All about biotin (also known as vitamin H) and the role it plays in your diet.

Biotin, as referred to as Vitamin H is part of the Vitamin B complex group and might be interesting to some people since one of the most visible symptoms of shortage of this vitamin is thinning of hair which can lead to total hair loss.

now if u grow your hairs more longer and if u are ready to have it cut off then you can donate to the locks of Love .. :)
just cautious not to get 1,000 mg of the biotin which i did and i had a breakout on my face.. too much of it, i guess but my hairs grow fast! its better to get less than 500 mg.. ok so keep that in mind.. :)
My hair is too short and gray.

My daughter doesn't like wearing long hair but she purposely grew it long enough just so she could donate it to Locks of Love. She was very happy the day they cut it off. :)
My good friend did that last week - it was awesome!

I have long wavy thick hair but I like to keep it highlighted so I cant donate it :( It grows so fast so I wouldnt mind chopping it off but I can't go without highlighting!
you can donate it even it was permed, colored, highlighted, and so on as long as the hairs are in good condition. :)
you can donate it even it was permed, colored, highlighted, and so on as long as the hairs are in good condition. :)

Really? Hmmm...rules have changed, as it seems......now you got me thinking....:ty:

But this is what I found on their site: Q. Can I donate bleached hair?
A. No, we cannot use bleached hair. The bleach causes the hair to dissolve as it goes through the manufacturing process. Note: Many times highlights are done with bleach
yep..yw it said on their homepage so yes u can...so go for it! :)
Really..ok.. can ask the hair stylist if its good condition to donate or not.. :)
Whoohoo - I made an appointment on Saturday August 25 to have more than 10 inches chopped off.....:Ohno:

I hope I wont look silly when I am done! I havent had short hair since second year of my college days!!! :eek3:

Wish me luck :fingersx:

PS Hope I wont chicken out by then! :giggle:
Whoohoo - I made an appointment on Saturday August 25 to have more than 10 inches chopped off.....:Ohno:

I hope I wont look silly when I am done! I havent had short hair since second year of my college days!!! :eek3:

Wish me luck :fingersx:

PS Hope I wont chicken out by then! :giggle:

Ohhh Good luck on the appt! I am sure you wont look silly but look beautiful! :)
My wife donated her's a little over a year ago when my boss' daughter was diagnosed with cancer. The good thing is that my wife was pregnant at the time and her hair grows fast when she is pregnant.
Wow! I am really touched by all of your generosity. One of the girls I work with grows her hair out, and then has it cut every 2 years and donates to Locks of Love. I've always admired her for what she does. But I didn't realize that so many ADers were involved, too. You guys are all awesome!

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