This is continuing from 'So you don't even belong here.... Da da da'
Since it seems that everyone has left the corner that we started in that thread I decided I'd start a new one....well it's more a happy space than a corner for I don't know if anyone will join me....
Place for anyone who feel they don't belong to sit for a while and chat...
Random chat and hopefully friends made....
*Sits with tub of vanilla ice cream rocking and looking around anxiously. Chanter the dog is sitting next to her looking longingly at the ice-cream*
Since it seems that everyone has left the corner that we started in that thread I decided I'd start a new one....well it's more a happy space than a corner for I don't know if anyone will join me....
Place for anyone who feel they don't belong to sit for a while and chat...
Random chat and hopefully friends made....

*Sits with tub of vanilla ice cream rocking and looking around anxiously. Chanter the dog is sitting next to her looking longingly at the ice-cream*