Hi there! I know we love our sweeties but I brought everyone an elote. It is whole young corn grilled shucks on till they are all burnt off, leaving the corn inside sweet, lightly smoky and ready for a dip in a cylinder of melted butter, espices (spices) or sometimes flavored mayo! I brought all the goodies and like mine with butter and cajun spice.
I see that the conversation is about siblings, canoes and summer things. I hope I remembered my fishing pole - anyone want to try a line?
I have no blood siblings, but have a great foster brother who has been close for most of my life. He signs a bit. His daughter, my niece, signs gracefully as does her son. I have 5 kids. One is hoh, and one is learning asl. Oddly, not the hoh one, lol.
Speaking of fish and pets, does anyone here have an aquarium? I do. It is in transition now. I just removed the ugf (undergravel filter) and had to cut back and trim the plants severely.
Ok, hope everyone enjoys the elote. I am heading down to see if Doug wants to go canoe fishing.