Listen to my ranting words

you chose to be gay, it's not in your genes. if it was in your genes, then the first person in the world who was gay would pass those genes on to the rest of their family line, which would be like half the world. and in that case, many people would not b eborn because they wouldn't have been able to produce a kid by sleeping with a same sex person.
Hey Lev.. who cares if they have become gay / lesbain. Get urself over! It is their business if they want to become gay or not.

Originally posted by javapride
HEY WATER RATS U MISSED the 97 or 98 graduation there was abt HALF those Student from our alumni School. the graduation colors???? RAINBOW and those student abt half of them came out gay and lesbain and maybe abt 1/3 are remaining lesbain or gay i just THUD when i saw that and i noticed NONE of the teachers or counselors were pleased abt this BUT they just HUSHED on themselves, and whats more, the implemented some new policy abt gays and lesbains relationships, and im like LET the KIDS be THE KIDS simple as that! damn! but for those who *fake* homosexuality they need to be ashamed of themselves cuz it can tramuaized anyone who isn t into the homosexuality socieity but still in my thoughts, anyone whos * underage* and not sure how to identify themselves ought to communicate with THOSE who are indeed gay or lesbain. I think i'll let someone else take over that area, but i can understand the concept of it ...

Really? I hadn't heard about that! I reckon it was in 1998 as I was working at CSDF in 1997 and went to the graduation that year, don't recall rainbow theme for that year.
As for the policy being applied in banning homosexual relationships among the students...interesting. I thought the school'd go with the flow and let it happen because it was the '90's and it's more of an open issue not in closet anymore.

Well, not my problem anyway and I wasn't there to assist in making the decision.

You know why they seprate the boys and the girls on the campus? Mostly to prevent secret sex?

How do you do that with homosexuality? (preventing those kids to sneak away to have sex)
Originally posted by SilenceGold
You know why they seprate the boys and the girls on the campus? Mostly to prevent secret sex?

How do you do that with homosexuality? (preventing those kids to sneak away to have sex)

You got a point there, SG. That's how homosexuality starts for some....I may be wrong, but it could be a starting point for some.

I don't know what anyone is whinging about...heteros have been trying to change us for donkey's years, and they have failed miserably....if a person can be changed just like that, then they must already have some same sex attraction in them. Besides we all know how horrible lifestyle hetersosexuality is...look at Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair, that fuckwit Fred Phelps, Jerry fallwell, do they look blissfully happy with their heterosexual lifestyle. Thought not!

It's up to us to save the world people!

Arise all ye Fags and Dykes, Arise!