List all known games for PS2, xbox and GCN with either CC or subtitles

ROGUE TROOPER is offically subtitle CC.. :)
Yeah but sometimes I have a hard time readin them since they are so damn small in some parts.

You probably need have HDTV with Xbox 360 for make subtitles look more point than SDTV.
I have purchase both Prince of Persia:

Prince of Persia:
- Warrior Within (subtitle)
- Two Thrones (no subtitle - argh!)

I'm excited that Warrior Within have subtitle. But strange thing on next serie - Two Throne, it have no subtitle. Anyway, the playable is very fun as I discovery how to use sword in probably up to 50 different moves to kill enemies. lol.
The Sopranos, coming out in early November for the PS2, will be subtitled. To quote the lead engineer (aka my fiance):

"only the quick quips (like when AI is bored) is not subtitled.... other than that all conversations, plot advancing and ambient conversations are subtitled"

Hope you enjoy!
Gears Of War has subtitles but I warn ya, it has mature language that will teach you to speak like a soldier in no time flat.
Gears Of War has subtitles but I warn ya, it has mature language that will teach you to speak like a soldier in no time flat.

:bowdown: to CliffyB (GoW's designer) for including the subtitles. and oh Frag, there's a filter for the language and blood in the options menu just fyi
Yeah, glad to have that subtitles to understand what is going on for Gears of War.

I am glad to see more games starting to have subtitles options. Good for us!
I know there is no list for PSP in here..


Of course

No, it is no difference. Standard and HDTV are same small subtitles. I tested that. It is not really from TV. It is from game made own subtitle.

Well I played it on HD VGA and it looks much crisper and more fresh than it was on SDTV...maybe HD VGA is better than HDTV? lol
Well I played it on HD VGA and it looks much crisper and more fresh than it was on SDTV...maybe HD VGA is better than HDTV? lol

Yes, It is even better than SDTV. Same as for HD-DVD subtitles more crisper and fresh than DVD subtitles. All HD subtitles are better than SD subtitles.
PSP: Socom U.S. Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo 1 & 2 have subtitles!