Link for Linux?


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Nov 20, 2006
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I am searching for the correct source where I could get the linux OS into my laptop (running Windows 7) so I can continue doing some C language programming under Linux - is there any or any closest possible to have it played under VirtualBox or whatever...

What distro are you looking for?

There millions of them... goddamnit. (And it's called Wine, not VirtualBox)
well I think majority of them let you boot up in Linux or windows (you can go back and forth, whatever feel like it). You have to read the direction how to do this.

Suse, fedora, ubuntu, debian

Some linux let you run OS off of CD so you don't have to install it on your computer. (in this case, this is how teens can access to the internet if their parents use parental control)
distro? What do you mean?




Linux distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Linux distribution (also called GNU/Linux distribution by some vendors and users) is a member of the family of Unix-like software distributions built on top of the Linux kernel. Such distributions (often called distros for short) consist of a large collection of software applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, media players and database applications. The operating system will consist of the Linux kernel and, usually, a set of libraries and utilities from the GNU project, with graphics support from the X Window System. Distributions optimized for size may not contain X, and tend to use more compact alternatives to the GNU utilities such as Busybox, uClibc or dietlibc. There are currently over six hundred Linux distributions. Over three hundred of those are in active development, constantly being revised and improved. Linux distributions are software development systems that are constantly revised and improved.
just go with Ubuntu
Honestly, I am not famailar with linux and the internet acronyms so excuse my non-knowlegdement, souggy.

I am not sure what I need but precisely a OS where that I can command such things in terminal and program codes in Text Edit under Linux.

Wubi Installer for Windows

Wubi-Installer Site said:
Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way. Are you curious about Linux and Ubuntu? Trying them out has never been easier!
I'd go with Ubuntu (as Jiro said) or LinuxMint, I believe you can install both from inside Windows so it should be easy.
If you only need Linux to do programming, and internet stuff, then I'd install a small linux distro in Windows using VirtualBox rather than having a dual boot system.

Ubuntu is probably an "overkill" for your needs. But, who knows, you may prefer using it over Windows, just like me. :)

DSL (Damn Small Linux) is good under VirtualBox. PuppyLinux is also good. But, I think choosing the right distro is a personal preference thing anyway. :)
what wrong with ubuntu? debian based distro? umm.. there's other called FREEOS which is window based free linux distro.. you might want to give a shot in virturalbox.. hmm?
I'd go with Ubuntu (as Jiro said) or LinuxMint, I believe you can install both from inside Windows so it should be easy.

LinuxMint is okay. I've had it for while and noticed that there were bugs in some certain programs and also couldn't install several programs so I went back to Ubuntu and had no issue with it. That was 2 or 3 years ago. I'm sure that LinuxMint improved by now. LinuxMint is a Ubuntu based OS.

I am searching for the correct source where I could get the linux OS into my laptop (running Windows 7) so I can continue doing some C language programming under Linux - is there any or any closest possible to have it played under VirtualBox or whatever...


Like above, use Ubuntu 10.10 and install inside Windows (Wubi install). It's not hard to do.

Or try many different Linux distros (short for Distribution) just like Baskin Robbins 31 Ice Cream.

Why? Many programmer develops some flavors of linux. Some are "slim" Linux while other like Sabayon Linux which is a full "eye candy" Linux. Some are "Live CD" or bootable flash drive only. Some works with 10 years old machines (such as Pentuim 200mhz system with 2 mb video memory and maxed out 156mb memory).

Some are customized for certain apps like Media, Server, and several more.

So this is why you may get confused. Ubuntu is #1 popular Linux OS and it's best to start with. It's easy to use for the first time.

Eventually, once you are familiar with Linux, you can fiddle around different Linux flavors. I would recommend you try Damn Small Linux (DSL), Puppy Linux, Knoppix or Slax for "Lightweight" Linux for fun of it., it loads on RAM memory from CDrom, not the hard drive. You can rip out your hard drive and still boot up to Linux desktop with internet connection ready through CDrom. Then eventually, you can learn how to install any flavors (not all flavors, some of them) into USB Flashdrive set as persistent install which means it can save files back on flash drive rather than RAM memory.

You will realized that Linux have SO MUCH flexibilty than Windows and Apple OS. It's an excellent emergency boot disk or run it on system with corrupted infected hard drive that you need to log on net and check Email or browse ect without worrying about virus on hard drive.

desktop ubuntu is alike apple layout easy to use.
7" mini laptop Linux OS use this travel internet check my email and website so on.
You will realized that Linux have SO MUCH flexibilty than Windows and Apple OS. It's an excellent emergency boot disk or run it on system with corrupted infected hard drive that you need to log on net and check Email or browse ect without worrying about virus on hard drive.


We called OSX, not Apple OS. It do have live-dvd.

Also, EFI is better than BIOS for emergency, OSX is very rare virus. Linux do have virus too.


I bet you never see the EFI before. EFI is powerful diagnostic tool and easy to check all hardwares which it was good or bad. No download needs.

BIOS nope. That's all you had to download memtest86+, hd tunes, cpuz, GPU-Z, etc. It's waste of time.

Real reason why I like OSX over Linux for powerful app that I need as VRS,adium, arduino, seafoid, screenium, Pixelmator, etc which Linux dont have. I love Apple's design that it have longer battery life than most PC laptop with powerful cpu.

Apple MagSafe saved my life from our two huskies. You had no idea how many customers that they complained about their laptops fall down orlaptop power jack got broke. I had to apart everything to replace a new laptop power jack with soldering.

[ame=]YouTube - Apple Magsafe Practical Test[/ame]

PC laptop + power jack = Screw up.
Distrowatch is the place to go for distro. Any modern version will do - just avoid xandros, mepis,
etc based on debain stable (old) and other "toy" distros.

You're welcomed to visit my website,

Tux's Links
-> programming

We called OSX, not Apple OS. It do have live-dvd.

Also, EFI is better than BIOS for emergency, OSX is very rare virus. Linux do have virus too.
Extensible Firmware Interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I bet you never see the EFI before. EFI is powerful diagnostic tool and easy to check all hardwares which it was good or bad. No download needs.

BIOS nope. That's all you had to download memtest86+, hd tunes, cpuz, GPU-Z, etc. It's waste of time.

Real reason why I like OSX over Linux for powerful app that I need as VRS,adium, arduino, seafoid, screenium, Pixelmator, etc which Linux dont have. I love Apple's design that it have longer battery life than most PC laptop with powerful cpu.

Apple MagSafe saved my life from our two huskies. You had no idea how many customers that they complained about their laptops fall down orlaptop power jack got broke. I had to apart everything to replace a new laptop power jack with soldering.

YouTube - Apple Magsafe Practical Test

PC laptop + power jack = Screw up.

Yes, I do have Apple Powerbook with OSX Snow Leopard 10.6. I didn't care about the powerjack ect..

Linux getting a virus? I never had on my Linux system. My kids been using Ubuntu and Mepis Linux for a year and there had been no virus incident on the system. My daughter often go in website to watch movies from Warez site. She was on FB and My Space often as well and clicked some virus linked video ect. It never hit their system. OSX and Linux are base on UNIX though it's programmed differently. So Linux and OSX are in same game, no competitions. This is why both RARELY get viruses. Windows are Virus magnet ( I bet it's equivalent neodymium magnet to attract metals) to and that's why Windows 7 have Bit Defender built in regardless 3rd party anti-virus installed or not.

Live CD Boot on OSX? I am talking about Live CD boot to DESKTOP without Harddrive and Use network. Not talking about getting into BIOS or EFI. If OSX can boot into desktop w/o hard drive then how it can be done? I DO have OSX Snow Leopard CD on hand. Would be happy to try it out on VirtualBox.

That's why I prefer Linux over OSX and Windows cuz of advantage and flexibility. If OSX and Windows can do same what Linux does then Linux would not be popular and would have been doomed.
