Life sentence for French killer

I wonder how many cases like this.. I imagine far too few.


Again - it's of no concern to me. I don't care to talk about low-level criminals - only hardened criminals.

Okay, let talk about serial killers, like Michel... I already said in previous post what I thought about life imprisonment.
Okay, let talk about serial killers, like Michel... I already said in previous post what I thought about life imprisonment.
nothing more to talk about. this issue has been extensively and exhaustively debated. Both of our stances are not going to change anytime soon so no point in debating any further. But I find it interesting that you don't have any problem with prison mistreatments (as you said - as long as there's no bodily harms).
. But I find it interesting that you don't have any problem with prison mistreatments (as you said - as long as there's no bodily harms).

Do you expect prisoners stay in the bed all the day and being lazy? No, they deserve work hard like clean the road, wash, cook, etc. rest of life.
Do you expect prisoners stay in the bed all the day and being lazy?
or they can be locked up in a small lonely cement cell for 23 hours - a solitary confinement. You think they're ok with being lazy for rest of their life? Maybe some are but most would go insane.

No, they deserve work hard like clean the road, wash, cook, etc. rest of life.
uh.... how is that different from our life? Isn't that what we're doing? Illegals work harder than them! I don't know about you but prisoners have it easier than us - at least they don't have to worry about paying tax, working to get income to pay for bills and gas, and have a guaranteed sleeping quarter and 3 square meals a day 24/7 hours, 365 days. we don't.
I remember reading about this case especially Joanna Parrish's parents claiming that the French police were negligent in investigating her disappearance all because she was English!

You know the famous rivalry between the French and the English.

I reckon that no-hoper criminals such as sociopath, psychopaths, paedophiles should be eradicated from the face of this earth, but then this is my opinion.

I would say Western European prisons are generally better than many countries' because they take the human rights seriously, but again that depends on a country's stance.
I remember reading about this case especially Joanna Parrish's parents claiming that the French police were negligent in investigating her disappearance all because she was English!

You know the famous rivalry between the French and the English.

I reckon that no-hoper criminals such as sociopath, psychopaths, paedophiles should be eradicated from the face of this earth, but then this is my opinion.

I would say Western European prisons are generally better than many countries' because they take the human rights seriously, but again that depends on a country's stance.

and also your nationality :o
Accord human rights law, mistreatment is strictly forbidden. They beleive in rehabiliation to correct their behavior and give them second chance after free from prison.
Rehabilitation and freeing prisoners for a second chance doesn't include killers like "Ogre of the Ardennes" does it? What if they can't be rehabilitated?
US and EU justice system are total different. We have human rights law which US doesn't....
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

Also, the Bill of Rights section of the Constitution of the United States.

The Bill of Rights guarantees human rights.
France used to be infamous death punishment in decapitation. They cheer. What happen? They change it since 1977.
Do you expect prisoners stay in the bed all the day and being lazy? No, they deserve work hard like clean the road, wash, cook, etc. rest of life.
You aren't including the murderers with the prisoners who work on the roads, are you?
We have human rights law which US doesn't.
You're implying that US does not value human rights. That is very puzzling to me since we're the one who created United Nations, Red Cross, and several other organizations... helped many countries... gave away billions of dollars.... that whole European nations combined cannot match.
Remember that she is flaming again in justifying that Europeans are better than Americans again. :roll:
Chase´s post.
Just completely, utterly clueless. Prejudicial wishful thinking becomes "fact."

Remember that she is flaming again in justifying that Europeans are better than Americans again. :roll:

I only state the fact, but I am sorry that you don´t want to see it.
Reba´s post
Rehabilitation and freeing prisoners for a second chance doesn't include killers like "Ogre of the Ardennes" does it? What if they can't be rehabilitated?

You aren't including the murderers with the prisoners who work on the roads, are you?

Why should I repeat it to you when you know my posts in other threads and also my posts here?
You're implying that US does not value human rights. That is very puzzling to me since we're the one who created United Nations, Red Cross, and several other organizations... helped many countries... gave away billions of dollars.... that whole European nations combined cannot match.

It´s not what I am talking about...

Never Mind.