Lies about CI's

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- Cochlear Implants cause deafness and you can't see when you are wearing them. :cool2:

- Parents that choose the CI route do so because they do not love or accept their children and want to take the easy way out :cool2:

- You can't watch TV with a cochlear implant :cool2:

- CI's break Closed Captioning. :cool2:

- A child that is two months old can make an informed decision about wanting a CI or not. :cool2:
I never knew how much people misunderstand people. This thread sure does show it. It's so unreal how some people's mind works.

(religion boards surprise me as well... The things they say about christian and muslims...)
Nothing new: people misunderstanding other people-all the time!. Had plenty of examples in my other group-VampireFreaks.Com. I am "really a retired goth". Really- now with a Cochlear Implant! I have mentioned before have actually read the book- A journey into the DeafWorld-Harlan Lane et al. Seems "cultural deafness has nothing to do with being actually deaf -just use ASL". Being actually/real deaf since December 20, 2006 still debating if I am really 'deaf' according to Ontario Association of the deaf! Still waiting for that momentous decision which of course will in actual fact have absolutely no effect in my real life.
Never boring here! Interesting discussion in Sociology- say In vs out groups!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Funniest one I came across to, joke. There was cartoon picture of person wearing CI with shock hair. Shame can't find it online now.

CI can make your hair stand on end (electro shock)
Nothing new: people misunderstanding other people-all the time!. Had plenty of examples in my other group-VampireFreaks.Com. I am "really a retired goth". Really- now with a Cochlear Implant! I have mentioned before have actually read the book- A journey into the DeafWorld-Harlan Lane et al. Seems "cultural deafness has nothing to do with being actually deaf -just use ASL". Being actually/real deaf since December 20, 2006 still debating if I am really 'deaf' according to Ontario Association of the deaf! Still waiting for that momentous decision which of course will in actual fact have absolutely no effect in my real life.
Never boring here! Interesting discussion in Sociology- say In vs out groups!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Sorry off topic.

Dr Phil, I am certain you are going to end up Deaf as you really obviously like it here.

Now if you would just let JClarke help you put in a real signature that will be better. And Jake is a great and patient teacher. He taught me a lot about using my computer when I first came here. :wave:
Do CI cures female hysteria?

A guy with a deaf girlfriend asked me that. He was rather serious about it.
Interesting thread. What other myths are out there? What's the most ridiculous myth or claim about CI to date?

CI-borgs unite!


I think it has to be the continually calling it brain surgery. They know its not true, they know its a lie but they still do it anyway, even today, as a scare tactic.

Wirelessly posted

souggy said:
Do CI cures female hysteria?

A guy with a deaf girlfriend asked me that. He was rather serious about it.

I dont think so, I think my daughter gets even more hysterical each year. Probably the 2 CIs.
I never said as such. :confused:
Well, some of you keep saying to some of the parents of the deaf how they keep ignoring what the deaf had to say in AD, as if it's just the select few that speak for all of the deaf.
Well, some of you keep saying to some of the parents of the deaf how they keep ignoring what the deaf had to say in AD, as if it's just the select few that speak for all of the deaf.

I still have never said I speak for all of the deaf. Each of us have talked about our own experiences and how they have applied to us. Have I said to every single deaf person and parent that my experiences must be what everyone else has? No. Stop reading between lines that don't exist.
I still have never said I speak for all of the deaf. Each of us have talked about our own experiences and how they have applied to us. Have I said to every single deaf person and parent that my experiences must be what everyone else has? No. Stop reading between lines that don't exist.

Then why, when a parent says that they disagree with the majority, they are told that they are disregarding deaf people's experiences? I have even said that while I have heard plenty of people against oral only, that I have met and spoken to plenty who support it as well. I am told that I'm an idiot, that I'm making it up, and on and on. Just because some deaf people have the same opinion does not mean all do, and it certainly does not mean that those who disagree are in denial, or audist, or any other insult that people will throw around.
That was 30+ years ago. Times are changing!

ADA, Deaf rights, etc ... all by the culturally deaf...

ASL versions of websites is starting now.. because of the culturally deaf..

Our phones are much more advanced than the hearing population.... Why?? Oh yea, the culturally deaf too.

many more things in the works too.

now what have your people done?

Contributed to the massive profits of the professionals... yep.
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