We shouldn't HAVE to go to a store like that to get an additional bride or groom placed on a cake, that's the POINT! It wasn't too long ago that this same exact thing was happening with black people. Do you support the discrimination of the African American population, too? By not granting homosexuals equal rights, you're basically saying that you feel it's okay to discriminate against people for things they can not CONTROL! I didn't wake up one morning and smell some damn coffee and decide I was going to be a lesbian! It was something inside of me that wasn't attracted to men... Did you decide to be straight, or was it just something you felt? It's just something you feel, you don't have to choose! :roll:

I don't choose to be gay anymore than a black man chooses to be black. Separation of church and state, your religious beliefs are not allowed to govern MY FREEDOM or ability to not be discriminated against! Not everyone believes in your religion, and your religion did NOT start marriage. Marriage existed before the forming of your religion. Native American's performed same sex marriages over here before the white man came to America because their beliefs were that souls do not have gender, that is only your body.
Fact of the matter is, gay marriage is passing more and more in every state, every time... it's becoming accepted, and you're just going to have to deal with the fact that you can't make people fall under your beliefs. If you don't support gay rights or gay marriage, don't! You don't have to support it to treat everyone the same. Don't be gay! Don't have a gay wedding! You nor does anyone against gay rights have the option to discriminate against gays for any reason! Again, African American's just went through this not too long ago. Pretty soon gays will be in the same situation, where nobody thinks twice because everyone are people, and not orientations.
17 states now support marriage equality, and more and more states ( Texas recently and Virginia ) Say their ban on same sex marriage is unconstitutional. So, you'll just have to deal with the fact your close minded inability to treat people based on their moral character and not their sexual orientation, is old, outdated, close minded and fading away.

The sooner people realize they can't shove their religion down others throats, the sooner people realize their religion can't govern peoples choices, the sooner this country will become a better place. You're entitled to your beliefs, but discrimination is wrong no matter how you look at it. If YOUR beliefs say you don't support gay marriage, that means YOU can't be gay married. It doesn't mean go out and make it so other people can't get gay married.
As far as your "war" comment is concerned, this has been an ongoing battle hardcore over the past couple of years. Based on 17 states supporting gay marriage now, and the 12 others ruling the bans on marriage equality are unconstitutional, and the fact that in 2004 28% of Americans supported same sex marriage and now 56% support it... I think you're losing.

Have fun with that, I'll bake you a rainbow cake to show good sportsmanship.