Letter to Obama.

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The truth about those women becoming leaders for the United States. I absolutely support those women as leaders. I have no objective for a female to become the US President. Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton.

Do you see the differences between those women? Who would be a great president, Palin or Clinton. Which one has the most experiences? Which one has the experiences in Washington DC. Palin as Alaska Governor and Clinton as NY Senate (plus former White House First Lady and First Lady in Arkansas.)

If something happens to McCain, Palin takes over. Can you see the difference between both women? We need to wonder why there is sooo many people spoke their concerns regarding Palin's experiences. There is so many people not convincing about Palin. Many leaders in Washington DC are questioning Palin's ability.

Have you noticed things going on in Washington DC? Have you noticed that everybody keeps saying "What if something happens to McCain, Palin takes over... and so on." Do you see why people are concerned about McCain/Palin. It's something we are facing our choices. Now, do we need an angry leader in the White House? Would the world look up on McCain as a Great leader when he is angry? Take a moment to listen the crowd saying that McCain gets angry easily. He frequently loses his temper. I am concerned with his diplomatic skills with other nations. I am sure he has one however, when comes with his losing temper and angry. Scary, isn't it? Washington Leaders are concerned how to deal with them as their "boss." Nobody wants to work with an angry boss.

Good Luck with your vote.

:gpost: Endy (particularly the bolded text)
It'd be absolutely sad to see that voters voting McCain based on a "letter" when there are many issues already discussed in the debates and rebuttals, even in articles in newspapers, tv commericals, interviews, etc. One Letter out of these great sources. That'd be sad.

*nodding in agreement*
I don't try to speak for her, I was just point about her views.

Her views are minority, also don't think so because she took side with lies and bias against Obama.


I know you weren't speaking for dreama. I apologize if my post implied that.

I just wish some people would re-evaluate the issues to make a more informed choice. Simply basing their vote on one issue seems incredibly short-sighted to me.
Dreama is not an American citizen.

I wonder if he/she bothers to follow politics in the UK. I know that they'd be angry if an American were to start nosing around in UK affairs.
Dreama is not an American? Why the hell is she meddling into American politics?!?!
Wouldn't it be sad if dreama convinced a confused ADer to vote against Obama -- especially when she isn't affected at all by the multitude of problems America is currently facing?
Dreama is not an American? Why the hell is she meddling into American politics?!?!

Don't ask me. I usually don't have a problem with someone from another country following our affairs but when they try to influence others to influence our politics, I take notice.
The truth about those women becoming leaders for the United States. I absolutely support those women as leaders. I have no objective for a female to become the US President. Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton.

Do you see the differences between those women? Who would be a great president, Palin or Clinton. Which one has the most experiences? Which one has the experiences in Washington DC. Palin as Alaska Governor and Clinton as NY Senate (plus former White House First Lady and First Lady in Arkansas.)

If something happens to McCain, Palin takes over. Can you see the difference between both women? We need to wonder why there is sooo many people spoke their concerns regarding Palin's experiences. There is so many people not convincing about Palin. Many leaders in Washington DC are questioning Palin's ability.

Have you noticed things going on in Washington DC? Have you noticed that everybody keeps saying "What if something happens to McCain, Palin takes over... and so on." Do you see why people are concerned about McCain/Palin. It's something we are facing our choices. Now, do we need an angry leader in the White House? Would the world look up on McCain as a Great leader when he is angry? Take a moment to listen the crowd saying that McCain gets angry easily. He frequently loses his temper. I am concerned with his diplomatic skills with other nations. I am sure he has one however, when comes with his losing temper and angry. Scary, isn't it? Washington Leaders are concerned how to deal with them as their "boss." Nobody wants to work with an angry boss.

Good Luck with your vote.

Exactly. Personally, I would love to see a woman in the White House. But I don't want her there just because she is a woman. I want her there because she is a capable, intelligent, effective leader. Anything less will prove to be an embarrassment to the gender.
Apparently, many women feel the same way you do, Jillio.

Personally, I think the only reason McCain selected Palin as his running mate was to capture the female voters who originally supported Hillary Clinton.

Obviously, it backfired miserably and a majority of women are choosing to support Obama instead.

Women who support Obama understand that it's more important to have a *competent* person in the White House (whether it be President or Vice-President) than to simply vote for a woman (Palin) just because she is female.
Dreama is not an American citizen.

I wonder if he/she bothers to follow politics in the UK. I know that they'd be angry if an American were to start nosing around in UK affairs.

Dreama is not an American? Why the hell is she meddling into American politics?!?!

Neither is Liebling and she always gets involved because she works for the American government which she probably feels entitled.

The American taxpayer pays her too. :roll:
I'll bring back something from the 1992 Clinton campaign that makes much sense nowadays.

"It's the economy, stupid!"

It's the economy, stupid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and its impossible for 8 years old Barack Obama to be palling around with Ayers when Ayers was with the Weather Underground. Obama would be interested only in his toys and his elementary school studies. Guilt by association, my ass!
...and its impossible for 8 years old Barack Obama to be palling around with Ayers when Ayers was with the Weather Underground. Obama would be interested only in his toys and his elementary school studies. Guilt by association, my ass!

This is just another example of the arguments conservatives pull out of their arse. All hot air, no substance...
This is just another example of the arguments conservatives pull out of their arse. All hot air, no substance...

Yeah thats correct. They think using guilt-by-association attack is gonna help them..yeah right cuz its gonna backfire on 'em and they end up with nothing but black soot over their faces.

The present-day conservative movement is pretty much a sorry-ass bunch. Nobody believes 'em anymore like the boy who cried wolf.
Yeah thats correct. They think using guilt-by-association attack is gonna help them..yeah right cuz its gonna backfire on 'em and they end up with nothing but black soot over their faces.

The present-day conservative movement is pretty much a sorry-ass bunch. Nobody believes 'em anymore like the boy who cried wolf.


Even Ron Reagan has turned against the GOP.

The Republican party is slowly losing its membership and they only have themselves to blame.
Neither is Liebling and she always gets involved because she works for the American government which she probably feels entitled.

The American taxpayer pays her too. :roll:

I´m sorry that you have the problem that the US Government is my Employer and pay me thru taxpayers but my American co-workers have no problem with that and love to collect European´s POV over US polities and love being friends with us. They are proud of us and understood prefect why we involve US polities is because economcy and war issues affects the world including Europe, that´s why Economcy and war issues are my biggest concern.

I like you and enjoy myself to read your posts but it´s pity that you don´t like me because I´m a foreigner in your eyes, not human being.
I´m sorry that you have the problem that the US Government is my Employer and pay me thru taxpayers but my American co-workers have no problem with that and love to collect European´s POV over US polities and love being friends with us. They are proud of us and understood prefect why we involve US polities is because economcy and war issues affects the world including Europe, that´s why Economcy and war issues are my biggest concern.

I like you and enjoy myself to read your posts but it´s pity that you don´t like me because I´m a foreigner in your eyes, not human being.

It's slightly different POV Liebling.

I have nothing against you per se.

The arguments for Obama and against Obama as well as for McCain--needs to be balanced in here. Unfortuantely--it's not.

Now I know Europeans want Obama in office and that's fine but there is more to it than that.....

Just remember that what we want doesn't necessairly mean we are going to get it.

I'm excited about this election as well and do hope that Obama win--but remember people--anything can happen from now until Tuesday. I just think we are getting a little too ahead of ourselves.
I think we have plenty of balance here. There are threads that trash both Obama and McCain/Palin. It's much better here than at a few other forums I frequent where there are only negative threads on Obama and nothing on McCain.
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