Let's play Name That ADer!

Originally posted by Alex
Since no one got the last one right, it's Erica aka prettybebe78! She literally has over 100 different screen names, and she's from Cali! Oooow!

Ok, who's taking over now?

yeah lol :laugh2:
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
Hey, what do you mean by "most hearing deaf person" ????

You use a lot of hearing slangs and talk like a hearing person, I guess. Nothing wrong with it, it is who you are. :) I have been called that too by a few of my deaf friends.
Originally posted by Banjo
Who Said It?

1. *spiting on both hands and washing together for ready to spank 'em*

2. That's baby balls nuts treats for you!!!

3. Try 8,475 days and still counting... :?

4. Not really. No offense, but the first time I tried to watch it, I thought it was whack.

5. Suppose you were offered a million bucks to have sex with the same gender that you are, would you do it??

everyone answered the rest but nbr 1. I'm going to get WILD.. i mean WILD guess and say its .... knightwolf68 or goldenleaf?
Originally posted by Alex
Guess who for the following:

1.) "I love cats"
2.) "If you don't treat me nice, then you'll get the boot."
3.) "I love lipsticks!"
4.) "I love California!"
5.) "I know I have over 400 of screen names, but I'm going to create another one."


very funny :P I fixed nbr 1, 3 and 5 :thumb: hehe..
Originally posted by ShEiLdTaLiSmAn
everyone answered the rest but nbr 1. I'm going to get WILD.. i mean WILD guess and say its .... knightwolf68 or goldenleaf?

Originally posted by Alex
Since no one got the last one right, it's Erica aka prettybebe78! She literally has over 100 different screen names, and she's from Cali! Oooow!

Ok, who's taking over now?

Yes, she is famous for creating over 400 different screen names... I could not know all of them. :)
Originally posted by funnybebe78
:twisted: that's who I am :rofl:

Thats the famous purrise i have 25 of her SNs here dang! i know i used ot have 80 of them so i guess i had 100 of hers LOLOL
Originally posted by javapride
Thats the famous purrise i have 25 of her SNs here dang! i know i used ot have 80 of them so i guess i had 100 of hers LOLOL

[m] :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: [/m]
I am not the one who made the questions up, Banjo did. I finally found the solution to the question number one that was stumping me. I will have to make 5 questions now when Banjo finally approves my answer.

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