Let's get this solved.


Active Member
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Hello, I was planning to post this last night but some major issues has came up which I had to hold off. Finally I can post it now.

Keep in mind that I'm posting it as a regular user (not a moderator or official supporter of AD)

The point of this thread is to cover the issues of this board.

The problem with AD is how slow this board has been. When I first joined AD, it was popular. Almost everyone was posting almost every minute of 24 hours a day.

Now right now, I got puzzled at why it seems like a ghostboard (heard of ghost town?) I am afraid that I believe that many of those users, who used to post excessive all around this board, has slowed down with a fear. Sadly, one member has requested to have his/her account closed because of this HUGE misunderstanding. Maybe other members have just quit posting here because of this misunderstanding problem.

Postwhoring was this problem that many of the other users has brought up on the concern of Alex's small amount of financial supply to continue to keep this board running smoothly for the sakes of all of us. Remember that Alex has provided this all to us all for free. I am sure that we ALL thank Alex for his gracious work!

I want you all users to understand that we did NOT mean to say that you ALL must slow down your postings just so we ALL can save Alex some money.

Let me explain what those problems were exactly...

1.Worthless posts to use just one emotion for ONE post.
2.Pointless and repeating posts.
3.Nonsense posts to rack up number of posts.

1.Worthless posts to use just one emotion for ONE post.

You can see when that happens like you might have noticed that it is frequent on the Jokes section of this board. That is reasonable to let the rest of other people know that they read and laughed over it. However, on other sections and threads like a thread asking a question or asking for a discussion. Someone posts a single emotion then leaves it off...that don't make sense does it? That's why it seems pointless. :/

Remember that most of the users use the “View New Posts Since Your Last Visit.” If they have replied to a thread and then you made a post with one emotion and this person came back to check to see if anyone has answered him/her. They end up clicking on that link and find out that sonna of a bitch has posted just one emotion to waste their time. To make it worse, they might have enabled an email notify and they're out there somewhere and a pager goes off, “you got a new email!” They are so excited to go and check the thread. Just one stupid emotion to set off this rage hidden inside this person. :/

2.It's similar to the #1 problem (with single emotions) except it is more of repeating a thread. Sometimes, a topic is best to stay under one thread because later in time, if a person from AD has came up with a comment and decided to go and SEARCH for this topic, it would be easily found under just one thread. If there were like 5 threads all of the same topic...which one should this person post under? See how easy it would be if there were just one thread?
There could be a same thing with where there's a discussion of a car. There is 4 different threads of this car. Someone posts something about the car's motor in one of the threads then in this different thread, someone else asks, what kind of motor does this car have? Someone would have to either, “repeat” or “point him to a different thread with that answer,” see how that is complicated for everyone?

That's why we all attempt to keep to the topic. If you have a new topic, post a new thread. No one might stop you UNLESS there is already a thread of your desired topic. Don't worry about making excessive reposts as long as it is understandable that you had tough time finding the thread. Someone else might post a link under your new thread to the old thread of your same topic. Hope that clears it up?

3.Nonsense posts to rack up number of posts. You probably have seen threads started by those members who bragged about how far they went. “Look I got 3000 posts!” See what I mean? What are the point of those high ranking number of posts? I think that it is just something to brag about?

The problem is not the NUMBERS...but the problem is how POINTLESS those posts were. If you made millions of posts that all made sense. No one will bitch at you. PERIOD.

I hope you all understand what I am saying?

Now discuss!!
I had lil experience with my thread... "Have u noticed" I wasnt trying to back it up with Freaky. I was trying to make a thread to see if anyone actually noticed me gone or something to add about me. Then everyone turn it into HAVE U NOTICED thread by Freaky. Ugh, I hate when that happen when a person actually request or say it not the same thing.

Oh well.. always a next time.

Maybe... no faces. So it teach everyone a lesson? I dont know.. I'm just thinking. Its easier to make a face without saying it out. And dont forget.. people can make 1 word.. not having just emotion alone. :) Just a thought.
And I want to add complains...

What is up with people making WASTEFUL threads. Like VFREAK some name is making soooooo many threads without waiting for another day or something.. I may be wrong but this is how it looks. I dislike the idea that it was only by 1 same person. I would like if its only just 1 person by each day or something. Not a wasteful one. PLUS, please dont forget.. since I was the member here..this had happened twice.
Thanks for your time to read this.

EDIT: VPHREAK Not VFREAK, sorry. My mistake with the spelling.


i agree with EVERY word u have said and u have said it all very clearly -- i DO agree with u that some ppl would just make WORTHLESS posts -- same applies with those who seems to insist on bashing and/or making a thread become worthless due to the insults and/or the bashings and stereotypical posts or just posting ONE emoticon in a thread that is *not* in the jokes forums (those are more appropriate for the jokes forums since there IS a joke posted)

i am here on alldeaf.com for enjoyment, to meet more ppl and to hear many many wonderful opinions said by others -- i respect everyone's opinions and i want to say i CANNOT accept the bashing and the general bullshit that happens here ie: ppl trying to diss a race, gender, sexual orientation or getting into other ppl's business when it does NOT concern them nor am i going to deal with rumormongers cuz i have noticed that often spills out into the posts :roll: and its pretty immature IMO

as for the thread topics that DO go off topic -- i myself has been guilty of doing so on occasions -- but i DO agree threads should stay on topic and same with those making REPEATED threads of the SAME THING :shock: its really not necessary i agree and can be discussed in a thread already started previously and can be revived -- when i have started threads -- i often put a note for the mods if ive overlooked the thread that is quite similar to what i had started to let me know and i would correct that OR i can ask the mod to go ahead and merge that thread with the other active thread OR just to close it and post the proper linkie to the thread that was already open and active

so im going to close on this note -- i say i AGREE with everything SilenceGold has said and he has expressed that NOT as a moderator or an official supporter of AD -- but as a member just like MANY of us :cheers: to SilenceGold! :thumb:
:bowdown: SG.. wonderful and beautiful well said..

Just want to note this.. Remember it's summer time..
Alot people are off on vacation or busy in their front/back yard or running around with small kids outside...
For example like me, my baby Allen *PAH* walking without help.. :eek: I have to watch his every curious moves inside and outside.. also, he LOVES his wanding pool. He always want get in, even chilly weather, I told him "not today", he go :mad: =\ but thankful that other kids keep him busy, but also, he follow them around. I have to remind them to look out for him, or my eyes boggle around to make sure he's safe. (phew).

Other note, alot of young people are off from school, and college. They can get in and up in their sleeve to make fun, spam, look for trouble, and such like that.

Our Regular members are wander off to their busy times. Don't worry, they will come around..

Silence Gold

I had read this and then had to leave the post to think about this and t hen reread it again and read fly free's comments as well

I totally agree with u on every aspect of this, I too have had my share of the gulity party, whereas making lame posting with smiley icons and posting excessively with repeated wordings I also have seen myself watch several people use bashing insults and etc, one has crossed the lines of disrespecting and using ingorancy as part of the issues that has no meaning of understanding nor taking time out to understand the poeple, I for one posted a thread and it turned out into a massive bashing and i didn't intend to have it bashed, to a point where a Ader asked to be banned that was on his request and not on the moderators request, considering this aspect, I also see some poeple just post something repeating and people would just say REPOST without explaining why. I See how some poeple would take time out to go to another thread and show that there is a posting already and inform that poster of the thread there was another and they have the option to ask the MODS to merge it or remove that thread in all aspect, WHILIST some just post for the hell of it, sort of like trying to *own a page* that doesn't seem fair for others who want to post a thread, and consider other poeple's desire to post something MAYBE that person wanted to POST the same thing the poster had already done so, but with different meanings too.
as for the smileys and icons posting after posting can g et boresom, even tho its the onlything they can reflect on I noticed myself typing reason behind the icons or just basiucally saying : werd: thats so very true or I AGREE WITH THAT POSTER, it's in itself not an harmful way to say cuz sometimes words do get taken out of out hands and repeating it would just waste a post, whilist i see poeple just not taking time out to see where they can post certain words or etc. that's not a BAD thing to do it's a good thing to do find the threads if there isnt the thread ur thinking of then u by all means go on and post that i do check those out to make sure i didnt accidently repost a thread thats already there but SOMETIMES theres threads that are sitting there and that thread can be PMED by the mods and ask the author of that thread if they want to continue that thread or go on and delete that to make room for other threads to be use, I DON T see it as a bad thing I had asked them to remove two threads for the sake of making room in the bandwith and respecting alex's site, POEPLE HAVE OFFERED to pay for donations to keep this running thats showing us we care about this site theres no disrespecting nor is there bashing of other forums thats what i liked VERY much about this forum...

As for Silence gold he has done a wonderful job pointing this out and showing us that we can find soultions some don' t have soultions whilist some do, we all have opioions and we all have respect so keep up the good work and let's have fun posting!

THANKS to AD for the wonderful site and THANKS to the MOD for helping us make this smooth and THANKS to Silence Gold for that wonderful posting he made :) :cheers: to ALL :)
Okay, I have to agreed with what SilenceGold said about everything.

Why not implementing the code to prevent anyone from post the useless messages with single emoticon or approximately ten words (and unders) or single picture at all. Or prevent any person to post the useful (not useless) messages in few sections such as Joke Sections, etc. Or something like that?

What do ya think of that, eh?
Well, this board is filled with threads that sucks. That wouldnt break the ice.

also limited postwhorin' is one thing that have killed alldeaf.com.
Originally posted by Justin Sane
Well, this board is filled with threads that sucks. That wouldnt break the ice.

also limited postwhorin' is one thing that have killed alldeaf.com.

What type of threads would you consider useful that doesn't exist here at this board (besides adult content)?

Too many people misunderstood the theory behind postwhorings. That's my opinion and cannot be a fact.
First of all...

The "Have you noticed" thread went WAAAAAAYYYY OFFF THE TOPIC. It was no longer "Have you noticed..." but some ramblings about page ownerships and small talks. The thread WOULD HAVE STAYED if the members actually STAYED ON THE TOPIC!

The "Psssst!" thread was fine. If it meant limiting all "small talk" to just one thread (and not elsewhere), then I do not see any problem with it. I can just ignore it and browse the real threads.

Smileys are supposed to help illustrate what you are saying, not just to stand by itself alone.

I do what I did in my travel trivia threads to limit postwhoring: I said "If you do not know the answer, please do not post at all to say that you dont know." Other examples for this could be like.... "If you have not travelled outside USA, please do not reply to say that you haven't." etc... I noticed that some people tend to reply in threads just to say that they don't know or don't have this or that, or haven't done that. I think ppl need to practise some self control or make threads more clear about who can post and who shouldn't.

You can be a postwhore, as the secret in being a GOOD postwhore is STAYING ON TOPIC and MAKING GOOD REPLIES.
I have to agree with Kootchie because you see I was the one that asked a moderator to close the "Have you noticed this?" thread because when I first started that thread, I encouraged members to post what they knew and learned about each other. It was wonderful at first because I learned so much about each other and everyone was really excited and you know what, the thread started to take a downfall. It started with page ownership games, post counting and going off topic when I didn't care for it. One thing really bothered me was that some members would use my thread to bring problems from forum in the thread when they could've used a wonderful place called PM to solve it there. Remember you can still postwhore as long as you stay on topic, remember this please....

"It is the quality of the post that counts, not the quantity!!" :D

Keep this in mind when you're posting next time because you do want your own post to be validated here in this forum and you do want others to validate you as a member by your own posts.
Originally posted by SilenceGold
What type of threads would you consider useful that doesn't exist here at this board (besides adult content)?

Too many people misunderstood the theory behind postwhorings. That's my opinion and cannot be a fact.

Definately need more threads with decent discussing, like what kuifje said its filled with ramblings. Nobody dont want to reponse to other people's rambling.

That mean people here dont know how to postwhore correctly. They need to postwhore with something related with the topic, not some random bullshit.
some people think it's like going to bar club and talk some awful information that aren't necessary for us to read.
Hmm... since summer's here, maybe they want to cut back from the computer time, to enjoy the nice warm weather out there? Maybe that's why it's almost like a "ghost town" in here. :dunno: