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New Member
Feb 21, 2005
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:wave: I’m new here. To introduce myself, I’m the father of a 2½ year old girl that got a CI last September. Her first mapping was in November.
I’ve read a lot about the subject as one does when deafness suddenly comes in a life. Having no relatives being deaf, not knowing deaf people the travel to the deaf world that our daughter was going to be part of was ( and is ) an exciting one. Meeting deaf and hard of hearing people has been and is a wonderful experience.
We (my wife and I) started immediately with sign-language even though our daughter was only 1½ y.o. Also the other two kids (5 and 7) were participating and like sign a lot. (They were surprised that their sisten didn’t reply when they spoke her language..)

Hoping to learn a lot here.


(p.s. Thanks Pez Dispenser - I C U)
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Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Cloggy! I'm sure you'll find some useful resources and great information here and it's great to know how much you and your wife is willingly to sacrifice for the benefit of your lovely daughter! Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here as well!!
Welcome to AD, Cloggy and hope you enjoy reading this site and stay here. :wave:

PurrMeow :)
Welcome to AllDeaf, I hope you find this forum a happy and useful place!
Welcome to Alldeaf enjoy your stay here and learn new things.
i'm sure there's plenty of places for ur family to go visit deaf events surround for ur daughter's age. and for parents to learn and express their feelings and the list so on :D
Welcome! We do have a handful of hearing parents of dhh kids who post reguraly. Glad you found your way here....place is a lot more active then deafnotes.
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