Let your friends know you were ripped


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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NOTE: The names Linda, Mary, and Sarah has been changed for this story.

Let's say that my vehicle broke down. I have no money to fix it. You agree to fix my vehicle with stipulation that I'm to pay you back each month until paid off. I never paid you back.

Will you tell your friends that I ripped you off or just let them find out themselves?

The reason I ask is that my friend Linda decided to develop a friendship with Mary. I decide to be friends with Mary. Few people saw me talking to Mary. One of them was Sarah. I don't hang out with Sarah. I don't talk much to Sarah, but we have mutual respect for each other. Earlier this year, one of Sarah's friends lost key at a Deaf event. I happened to know where the lost key was and led them to it.

I think that Sarah is thankful that I found her friend's lost key. Anyway, Sarah warned me about Mary. She said that her husband fixed Mary's car when it broke down. Mary was to pay back on monthly basis until paid. She never paid it off. I don't know what happened, but I would think that the story is credible. People usually don't make up stories like that if it really happened, right?

I have no way of proving whether this story is true or not. However, it has left a bad taste in my mouth. I would not want to be friends with Mary if that story was true. I may not want to be friends with Linda either if Linda was friends with Mary.
Whether the story is true or not, I would remain friends with Mary and be cautious of things like that. Such as, I wouldn't let her borrow my things or loan her any money that's all. If her friendship is good and you enjoy her company then there is no reason to end it over a story that happened to someone else. I would end it if it happened to me. There may be reasons behind this as to why Mary didn't pay Sarah's husband back.
NOTE: The names Linda, Mary, and Sarah has been changed for this story.

Let's say that my vehicle broke down. I have no money to fix it. You agree to fix my vehicle with stipulation that I'm to pay you back each month until paid off. I never paid you back.

Will you tell your friends that I ripped you off or just let them find out themselves?

The reason I ask is that my friend Linda decided to develop a friendship with Mary. I decide to be friends with Mary. Few people saw me talking to Mary. One of them was Sarah. I don't hang out with Sarah. I don't talk much to Sarah, but we have mutual respect for each other. Earlier this year, one of Sarah's friends lost key at a Deaf event. I happened to know where the lost key was and led them to it.

I think that Sarah is thankful that I found her friend's lost key. Anyway, Sarah warned me about Mary. She said that her husband fixed Mary's car when it broke down. Mary was to pay back on monthly basis until paid. She never paid it off. I don't know what happened, but I would think that the story is credible. People usually don't make up stories like that if it really happened, right?

I have no way of proving whether this story is true or not. However, it has left a bad taste in my mouth. I would not want to be friends with Mary if that story was true. I may not want to be friends with Linda either if Linda was friends with Mary.

you know, even if you did, they might not believe you...
I base my opinion off of people PURELY off my own interactions. Sure, I might be a little weary of lending this person money if I was told she didn't pay back a debt like this, but it would not make me stop being friends with someone. I am my own person and will form my own opinions off of those interactions.
You do not know what really happened just what you heard. Usually a real ripoff leaves a trail of ripoff. You would hear of other incidences. Otherwise for all any one might know he was paid for his mechanical services in a not uncommon way and chose not to tell his wife and so let
her think the bill is unpaid rather than get into the not so fine details. Or Sarah is thinking that is what happened and really wants to put a big spear in Mary's guts but will take any opportunity that looks good to stab her with a pencil instead. There are at least fifty more variations of this story as you already know. If you really want to know just ask the husband but he may be sticking to his story for all he is worth. I recommend running in the other direction before the drama gets so bad you have to chew your own arm off to get away.
I wouldnt start spreading rumors or tell people as thats lowering yourself to their level i would just sue them for the money. Its quite simple here for small amounts.
Thank you! :D
You've been eating your sandwich all this time I was gone?!

yeah all the time, marmite, then peanut butter, then honey,,,then an odd pizza, then order asian noodles...then back to sammys...lol
you lost me at linda...becareful what you say as it the husband who did the job so it him not her...
if you fancy sarah ask her out ,but be careful cos it all hear say and do ypu want be cause of rumous no one likes title tack
i would never loan money to friends or even certain family members again this is one of the lessons ive learned the hard way. People all have different ideas of money and priorities for some folks are so skewed.... common sense is out of the window.

If youre so worried about whoever owes what and being told by someone else, go straight to the horses mouth and ask the person flat out instead of wondering. Sometimes there are two sides to all stories even three.... instead of judging a person for what other person said its a shallow way of thinking as well... people are human beings and lifes too short