I'm Nancy
I am 35 years old
I work in a local courthouse in the County Criminal department for Traffic citations, etc.
I am deaf in left ear, and severely HOH in right ear since I was 2 yrs old from meningitis. I wear a SUMO E behind the ear hearing aid (I just bought it a couple of weeks ago....and I still have all of my old hearing aids since the early 1970s).
I am mostly oral, but I do know sign language.
I love working on computers, I have good memories going camping, I enjoy seeing wildlife outside in the backyard (I live in a small country town).
I enjoy reading books too, listen to classic rock music ("Running Bear" (1950s) for example); and watching movies with closed captioning is also fun too.

I drive a white/gray Toyota Camry.
I graduated from high school in 1988, and I have been to college with Computer Science and Library Technology studies.
I used to work at a Braille publishing company (I was laid off there in 1993) as a Data Entry Operator, and I have met blind and visually-impaired employees there. I also worked at a Diabetes warehouse for a couple of years until I moved away.

I owned two Boston Terriers.

My favorite TV channels were "Animal Planet", "Food Channel".