My question is, when it's illegal to use, why do people take the risk of losing a job or getting arrested?
But it is relevant as to use. Why would someone in poverty or in a tight financial situation be willing to spend limited resources on pot?
Again Reba the answer will vary. Different people have different motives. Why do people j walk? why do people speed? why do people pirate movies? why cant people, who according to the gov, just be wee mindless sheep damn it!!! why cant people just do what they are told!!!! being human is grand isnt it?
Well unjust laws get certain replies. If your gonna push me to answer for everyone i wont. But one answer should work as its the only answer that in the end makes the best reply to such a dumb gov policy. and the only one that truly matters here
"because they want to". period.
Why i prefer my coffee black as opposed to it with 5 cream and 5 sugar is for me and only me to decide. If tmw the .gov made such tastes illegal i wouldn't change my tastes over fear. Thats how tyranny grows. Who the hell does the gov think they are in dictating to individuals what individuals can consume?
thats a good dose of fascism if you ask me. and looking at where america has ended up i think prohibition is one of the great debacles that has ruined it as a free nation.
Unjust laws are just that. Unjust. I'm not going to be a sheep. i am a man. i have a mind. i want to use it. i like choices. it matters to me. the ability to freely decide. its part of being human. Obey or else. yeah thats what governments and states are founded on and propagated on. doesnt mean i have to fall for it. i need critical thinking. i know the risks and have decided the risks are acceptable for me to partake in my tastes. regardless on what some law form 80 years ago dictates ot me otherwise.
Reba. you are still asking the wrong question. Why i like my tastes as opposed to yours is a good psych paper. In regards to law it isnt a good question. Why the need to regulate individuals personal tastes with the use of force?
Thats my question to you.
As to the question why people in poverty spend limited loot on pot? again individuals will have different answers. your not gonna get a one sized fits all answer. im sure cable costs more, and really your better of buying pot then cable or you choose any other product people waste loot on.
its their loot to waste. not my business. it shouldn't be yours or the govs
my opinion of course, for what its worth