All I can say that the writer of the story is SORELY lacking in knowledge of what CI does. People are still fine with just one implant...a lot of my friends that i know personally only has one implant and they're happy. I'm not because I feel so one-sided and I'm used to using two ears.
So yes, the "fact" that because she had her right ear implanted meant she's lacking in the language on the left side is bogus. Like Jillio says - no matter what side the stimuli is on, it still receives information in whatever part of the brain.
I suspect that the girl has not been receiving full language development (ie - Sign language and oral communication). Sadly, I see this a LOT here in Las Vegas and Utah. Las Vegas and majority of Utah is isolated, so it's very tough to set up an established bi-bi approach for the children.
Las Vegas has deaf children (about half implanted) spread all over the city because the districts do not want to waste money to pay for busing to the school for the deaf (I have to find out if there *is* a school, or it's just a classroom setting). So, the children do very poorly in classes. Interpreters are hired, but they have told me that the students doesn't even know sign language or have the ability to actually communicate. The teachers just passes them because they don't want the hassle. Now...THAT is sad.
Unfortunately, these are the type of stories that makes hearing people say, "Oh my gosh, i feel so bad for the girl. I'm gonna write a letter to the insurance company, and complain." While they know nothing, and majority of the insurance companies won't pay for second implant ANYWAYS. The writer is just sugar coating it. It doesn't make sense to me that he/she said that insurance companies think it's still "experimental". WTH? It's been around for 20 years!