What was the message your girl/her friends received from you about attending the cinema in the past?
You don't state much history regarding if you've gone to the cinema before with others. I thought I'd share my experience.
In the past, when invited to movies from hearing friends, I politely decline because I know there will not be any closed captions. I explain this to them, however, I do make it clear that I value their friendship and I'm interested in any events that happen before/after the movie.
Now that is has been several years, they no longer invite me to movies and I am not offended. Why ask the question if they think they already know the answer (which may have been the case for your friends)?
Now that my local movie theater finally have some movies closed captions, I have to play a gentle assertive role and inform my friends about closed captions availability and express interest in the movies coming out. They have been pretty awesome about it even though sometimes it is an earlier showing.
You have to make it clear to her that going to the cinema is important to you, if that is the case. If you feel left out in other ways, then cinema experience is only the tip of the iceberg.
I've been upset about things similar, but I realize that we have to play advocate for ourselves.