Learning Sign Language as a hearing person


New Member
Feb 3, 2013
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Hello! :wave:

I am an 18 year-old girl. I love learning many different things, including languages because I like being able to communicate with people and learning about their culture.

I recently found myself with more time in my hands and decided I want to learn a new language. While trying to choose which one I thought that instead of learning another foreign language I could learn one of the languages of my own country, Sign Language!

I looked up courses near where I live but when I saw the signup form i had second thoughts. It asked a lot of questions about whether I know deaf people, what are my motivations, etc.

I never met anyone who uses sign language and really I just want to learn it to be able to communicate with more people and learn about their culture (just like when I wanted to learn Spanish).

So my question is: Will I be perceived as rude or intruding or something like that? I hope not...

Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Thank you for answering so fast. :) I never thought is could be an issue until I saw all those questions on the sign up form. I guess it's just my normal self doubt.. ahah
Well, it is important to know about deaf people, Deaf Culture and why we need to sign as Deaf people to have ASL as our primary sign language. Because without it, you would become an Audist if you don't know about our Deaf Culture. If you want to sign in ASL with someone who is hearing and join the club (no Deaf people). Then that is fine but if you happen to meet a Deaf person with no knowledge of their background, that is where you will get ignore by the Deaf person or people. So you need to study these before you sign. It has to be taught in most ASL classes. This is the purpose for you so that Deaf teacher need to teach you about us first. :)
A lot of instructors will base the class around the students so I'm sure they just want to know your background so you can learn everything you need to know :) Have fun in class.