Learn asl online resources?


Apr 21, 2014
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I remember reading a post here in the last month or so that listed several good "learn ASL online" websites, but now I can't find the post, so I'm wondering if someone can recommend some sites again? Or can someone point me to the aforementioned thread?
I understand that it is always preferable to learn ASL in person, but the only local ASL class is on Monday nights, which has been the case for the last three years. Mondays never work for me due to my husband's work schedule, so for the moment I need to look at online options.
I'm not looking for "learn-to finger spell" or "learn a few words" websites. I'm looking for actual courses, free or for a cost, that will teach me ASL.
Thank you in advance!
Www.lifeprint.com by Bill Vicars is recommended

There are some others out there, But this one is highly appreciated by most Deaf it seems
I checked out some of bills video and he can get really repetitive but he is good at hands on teaching.