I know some of you will insist it's a choice. Before you make such a risky choice, please be fully informed. Most women making that choice were unaware of how risky it was. The majority of women upon learning about the risks decide their health is far more important than a bigger bust. Besides big breasts are pounds of dead weight you constantly carry around and they cause back pain, aches, make it hard to run and get in your way.
Besides, it should be known that women can safely and instantly get bigger breasts by wearing stuffed/padded bras. Another option(as ive learned in an article) is put some weight on your skinny frame. Youll not only look better being at a healthy weight or even a tad full figured but your breasts are likley to grow larger since they are made mostly of fat.
Above all, simply accept your small breasts. They are normal and do not need to be corrected. You can be beautiful in so many ways inside and out. Most men don't like oversized or fake breasts anyway. You will attract the wrong kind of men who are attracted to your breasts instead of your personality. Nice men like me don't care at all for breasts and simply ignore them. We admire women for their personality and intelligence above looks.
If you still have questions after reading the articles and stories, post it here. Don't be rude or I won't answer. I will post my comments below each link.
My Implant Story
26 year old female wasn't informed of her choice. Her lack of research into the risks created a false sense of safety she later regrets. She would never made the choice had she known the risks she learned the hard way.
Breast Implants
35 year old woman admits she made the worst decision of her life. She has pics of her explant. You can see millions to billions of bacteria in the cloudy solution. They form visible clumps of thousands to millions of bacteria.
LEAKY, SCARRING, BLACK WITH MOLD*,WHY WOMEN ARE TAKING THEM OUT*,The shocking health claims against saline implants*,Lisa Collier Cool*,Glamour
The shocking health claims against saline implants
By Lisa Collier Cool
[Glamour November 2000]
Could saline implants–hardening, leaking, deflating and turning black with fungus–be making women desperately ill? Former implant recipient Kathryn Gordon thinks so, and a growing number of doctors agree. Glamour investigates.
Shari's Life After Saline Implants
Beautiful 25 year old woman ruins her health as well as her son's health. She says breast feeding while she still had her implants in spread the bacteria. Her bad choice harmed an innocent person. She shares her eye opening story and posts a picture of her explants which are full of mold and bacteria inside and outside the capsules.
Two NIH Studies and Concerns on Silicone/Saline Implants
Women who have breast implants are more likely to die from brain tumors, lung cancer, other respiratory diseases, and suicide compared to other plastic surgery patients, according to a comprehensive new study. Women with implants are also more likely to develop cancer compared to other women their age, according to a second study.
Deaths from brain cancer were twice as likely among implant patients. Cognitive problems and memory loss are frequent complaints of women with breast implants, most of whom are in their twenties and thirties, and therefore surprisingly young for these types of problems. PET scans have indicated brain abnormalities can decrease when implants are removed.
The high rate of suicide could potentially be related to low self-esteem, which has been noted among women who decide to get implants. Breast implant manufacturers claim that implants improve women's self-esteem, but there is no long-term evidence to support that assumption. Psychologists have questioned the wisdom of treating low self-esteem with plastic surgery.
Besides, it should be known that women can safely and instantly get bigger breasts by wearing stuffed/padded bras. Another option(as ive learned in an article) is put some weight on your skinny frame. Youll not only look better being at a healthy weight or even a tad full figured but your breasts are likley to grow larger since they are made mostly of fat.
Above all, simply accept your small breasts. They are normal and do not need to be corrected. You can be beautiful in so many ways inside and out. Most men don't like oversized or fake breasts anyway. You will attract the wrong kind of men who are attracted to your breasts instead of your personality. Nice men like me don't care at all for breasts and simply ignore them. We admire women for their personality and intelligence above looks.

If you still have questions after reading the articles and stories, post it here. Don't be rude or I won't answer. I will post my comments below each link.
My Implant Story
26 year old female wasn't informed of her choice. Her lack of research into the risks created a false sense of safety she later regrets. She would never made the choice had she known the risks she learned the hard way.
Breast Implants
35 year old woman admits she made the worst decision of her life. She has pics of her explant. You can see millions to billions of bacteria in the cloudy solution. They form visible clumps of thousands to millions of bacteria.
LEAKY, SCARRING, BLACK WITH MOLD*,WHY WOMEN ARE TAKING THEM OUT*,The shocking health claims against saline implants*,Lisa Collier Cool*,Glamour
The shocking health claims against saline implants
By Lisa Collier Cool
[Glamour November 2000]
Could saline implants–hardening, leaking, deflating and turning black with fungus–be making women desperately ill? Former implant recipient Kathryn Gordon thinks so, and a growing number of doctors agree. Glamour investigates.
Shari's Life After Saline Implants
Beautiful 25 year old woman ruins her health as well as her son's health. She says breast feeding while she still had her implants in spread the bacteria. Her bad choice harmed an innocent person. She shares her eye opening story and posts a picture of her explants which are full of mold and bacteria inside and outside the capsules.
Two NIH Studies and Concerns on Silicone/Saline Implants
Women who have breast implants are more likely to die from brain tumors, lung cancer, other respiratory diseases, and suicide compared to other plastic surgery patients, according to a comprehensive new study. Women with implants are also more likely to develop cancer compared to other women their age, according to a second study.
Deaths from brain cancer were twice as likely among implant patients. Cognitive problems and memory loss are frequent complaints of women with breast implants, most of whom are in their twenties and thirties, and therefore surprisingly young for these types of problems. PET scans have indicated brain abnormalities can decrease when implants are removed.
The high rate of suicide could potentially be related to low self-esteem, which has been noted among women who decide to get implants. Breast implant manufacturers claim that implants improve women's self-esteem, but there is no long-term evidence to support that assumption. Psychologists have questioned the wisdom of treating low self-esteem with plastic surgery.