LCD TV Refresh Rates: No Visible Difference?


New Member
Jan 30, 2009
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Okay folks,

I've been working on researching LCD TVs as I plan on buying an LCD TV for myself as a Christmas present after Christmas is all done (I'll be getting some cash for Christmas too that will go towards it along with my nice full paycheck that I get to keep to myself with no bills...wheeeee).

I was at Best Buy today and I was comparing different TVs with different refresh rates. 60 Hz, 120 Hz, and 250 Hz. There was even a demo of a (Sony or Samsung unit I think it was) that was showing a side by side comparison of 60 Hz vs. 250 Hz with Auto Motion (or whatever that was called) but there was no visible difference between the two, even though the price difference is to the tune of $400.00.

Am I missing something or is refresh rate a big scam when you can't even tell the difference between the lowest (60 Hz) and the highest I could see available at the time (250 Hz)? I certainly am not going to pay over $400.00 for a TV that seems to have no visible difference between a 60 Hz refresh rate and a 250 Hz refresh rate.
Okay folks,

I've been working on researching LCD TVs as I plan on buying an LCD TV for myself as a Christmas present after Christmas is all done (I'll be getting some cash for Christmas too that will go towards it along with my nice full paycheck that I get to keep to myself with no bills...wheeeee).

I was at Best Buy today and I was comparing different TVs with different refresh rates. 60 Hz, 120 Hz, and 250 Hz. There was even a demo of a (Sony or Samsung unit I think it was) that was showing a side by side comparison of 60 Hz vs. 250 Hz with Auto Motion (or whatever that was called) but there was no visible difference between the two, even though the price difference is to the tune of $400.00.

Am I missing something or is refresh rate a big scam when you can't even tell the difference between the lowest (60 Hz) and the highest I could see available at the time (250 Hz)? I certainly am not going to pay over $400.00 for a TV that seems to have no visible difference between a 60 Hz refresh rate and a 250 Hz refresh rate.

Watch the difference when there is FAST action on the tv. on the 60hz refresh rate you will see motion lags over the 240hz.

I know, because I can see it.
Well, I found a great deal on a good 120 Hz TV so I may end up buying that one. But I gotta wait and get some additional cash on Christmas before I can go buy it.

Yeah, 60hz is noticeable during fast action movie. I can tell the difference. 60hz is annoying to me sometime. 120hz is smoother. I would go for 120hz.

Be sure that you get "high speed LCD" HDTV than standard speed. Because of lags on standard LCD HDTV which are noticeable. It would be excellent for gaming if you use High speed LCD.

What about LED HDTV which are newest kid in the block?

purplecatty wrote:
Yeah, 60hz is noticeable during fast action movie. I can tell the difference. 60hz is annoying to me sometime. 120hz is smoother. I would go for 120hz.

Be sure that you get "high speed LCD" HDTV than standard speed. Because of lags on standard LCD HDTV which are noticeable. It would be excellent for gaming if you use High speed LCD.

What about LED HDTV which are newest kid in the block?


Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely be getting a 120 Hz set unless I find one where the picture is stunning and cheap enough to go for the 60 Hz model. I've looked at LED HDTVs and quite honestly the thinness factor does not warrant spending an extra $1000.00 for me when the picture I saw is comparable to LCD TVs. LCD HDTVs are perfect for my viewing/gaming habits.
If your going to do gaming, You would want to go at least 120mhz or better.

If your going to do gaming, You would want to go at least 120mhz or better.


I'm PC gamer and 60 Hz is good so enough since there's very few 120 Hz monitors on market.
I'll stick to 60Hz mode for movies. Maybe it's a different story for sports and such.
You will notice a difference with fast action as the others have said. Like during a certian sports games and movies.
You will notice a difference with fast action as the others have said. Like during a certian sports games and movies.

Not movies. I've seen it in action and it's not something I want to experience while watching movies. They end up making the movies look awful.
I noticed LED with 120Hz is quick than LCD with 60Hz from Best Buy for movie (Ice Age 2, that's where two squirrels were fight over nut in the air.)

I don't think it about sport only.
I noticed LED with 120Hz is quick than LCD with 60Hz from Best Buy for movie (Ice Age 2, that's where two squirrels were fight over nut in the air.)

I don't think it about sport only.

Regardless, it doesn't look like film when that occurs. It degrades the video quality despite improving the smoothness.

Are you familiar with the term, Soap Opera Effect?
I agree with Banjo. I have the 120hz switched off, because when it is switched on, the movies looked unnatural; the movies felt as if I was watching a home video, which I think refers to the 'soap opera' effect that Banjo mentioned?
Watch the difference when there is FAST action on the tv. on the 60hz refresh rate you will see motion lags over the 240hz.

I know, because I can see it.
Yeah. It depends on what you're using the television for.

A lot of people who like high quality HD televisions for action movies and video games will pick a television with a better refresh rate.
yeah, I would love to have a 120 Hz LED backlit LCD HDTV or a OLED TV with an improved lifespan, but the price is a bit up there oh well. I think it will be in managable range in a few years. I remember when the HDTVs were beginning to come out...there were CRT HDTVs. I thought that was odd to see a widescreen CRT on display haha.
I agree with Banjo. I have the 120hz switched off, because when it is switched on, the movies looked unnatural; the movies felt as if I was watching a home video, which I think refers to the 'soap opera' effect that Banjo mentioned?

Yep. That's what I was referring to. :)
Yeah, 60hz is noticeable during fast action movie. I can tell the difference. 60hz is annoying to me sometime. 120hz is smoother. I would go for 120hz.

Be sure that you get "high speed LCD" HDTV than standard speed. Because of lags on standard LCD HDTV which are noticeable. It would be excellent for gaming if you use High speed LCD.

What about LED HDTV which are newest kid in the block?


Indeed, I find it annoying because I'm not even ready for that kind speed to watch. It's like thing move too fast. :dizzy:
You will notice a difference with fast action as the others have said. Like during a certian sports games and movies.

I would like to see the demo on the actual live sport with high refresh rates to see what's like. Since I haven't.