Lawmakers Advance Welfare Drug Testing Bill


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Apr 22, 2007
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- New applicants for temporary welfare assistance would have to dig into their own pockets to pay for drug tests that can cost $35 or more under bills advancing in the Florida House and Senate and backed by Gov. Rick Scott.

The Senate version (SB 556), won approval from a budget subcommittee while the House bill (HB 353) cleared that chamber's Health and Human Services Committee, both on party-line votes Wednesday.

All Republicans voted for the legislation saying it would be only fair to require drug testing for welfare recipients because many taxpayers also are screened at work. They also argued it would encourage drug abusers to get treatment.

Democrats and a Florida Catholic Conference lobbyist, though, said it would be unfair to make poor people pay for it themselves and that the testing requirement probably would be unconstitutional.

"It may seem a little onerous telling folks they need to get drug tested," conceded Sen. Rene Garcia, R-Hialeah. "But at the end of the day, I want to help people who want to help themselves."

Sen. Steve Oelrich, an Alachua Republican who's sponsoring the bill, said it would be a "an offer of help and a wake-up call" for drug users.

"We're heading into a court challenge with this," predicted Sen. Eleanor Sobel, D-Hollywood.

Courts have upheld testing for special purposes such as public safety and when there's a suspicion of drug use. A federal appeal court in 2002, though, struck down a Michigan law that required screening for all welfare applicants. Opponents say universal testing violates privacy rights and protection against unwarranted searches.

Florida's not alone, though, in considering such a requirement. Similar legislation has been filed in at least 16 states, but the South Dakota House in February rejected its bill after opponents said it would be impractical and do little to help children in poor families.

Drug testing welfare recipients had been rejected four times by Louisiana lawmakers but is up for consideration again this year. Bills in Missouri and Virginia are more narrowly drawn, requiring testing only when drug use is suspected.

In Idaho, a state study concluded testing would cost more than any savings from denying benefits to drug users. That wouldn't be a problem in Florida where applicants would pay for the tests.

"We believe it is not quite reasonable to expect folks who are applying for temporary assistance to undergo drug testing that they must pay for," said Michael Sheedy of the Florida Catholic Conference.

Sheedy said the conference's research also shows the screening is likely to cost more than the $10 for an initial test and $25 for a confirmation test cited in a Senate staff analysis.

Florida is spending $211 million on temporary assistance during the current budget year on aid for more than 113,000 people. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program has a lifetime cap of 48 months per family.

Oelrich noted his bill would still allow the children of rejected applicants to get benefits if they can find another adult who can pass the drug test to receive that cash on their behalf. Applicants who fail the drug test would be barred from receiving assistance for a year. If they fail again they'd be banned for three years.

"If you go back in history, we actually tried this and it was advised at that time it was not successful and the program was stopped," said Senate Democratic Leader Nan Rich of Weston.

Of 8,797 applicants screened in a $2.7 million experimental program between January 1999 and May 2001 only 335 tested positive for a controlled substance. The pilot was conducted in the Jacksonville area and parts of Putnam County.

A researcher recommended against continuing the testing after finding little difference in employment and earnings between applicants testing positive and negative.

Rich also cited a national study that similarly found only a slight difference in drug use between welfare recipients and other people.

The Republicans' intent of encouraging drug users to get help is flawed, Rich said, because the state budget they've proposed cuts spending for substance abuse treatment.

Besides calling for screening welfare applicants, Scott has ordered state agencies to begin drug testing employees. That's raised questions about whether Scott's health care company, Solantic, might benefit by providing testing services. Scott says he's trying to sell his interest in the company.

The House bill now is in line for a floor vote. The Senate bill next goes to the full Budget Committee, its last stop before a floor vote.

Lawmakers Advance Welfare Drug Testing Bill - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville
Too bad the system was abused. :(

I can imagine myself crawling into a welfare office to ask for help, only to be told I needed to cough up a drug testing fee and wait for the results before I receive aid. Since the odds of me doing this are extremely remote, I can probably brush the entire thing off. However, after reading a related thread on a drug abuser being (poorly) drug screened by a totally untrained/disinterested case worker, I question the effectiveness. I also recall that the governor of Florida has a financial interest in drug testing labs. Isn't this sponsored by the "Less government" party? Really? Drug testing gets pretty personal. Got AIDS? Drug testing samples could detect that. Got STDs? Same.

Oh well, no plans to ask for aid, and certainly no plans to move to Florida. :wave:
The drug testing labs would not be able to release any medical information found in the sample other than the specific substances they are testing for. I think it's a good idea since I do know some people that receive food stamps yet they occasionally like to spend $60 on weed. Not the brightest bulbs in the county. My theory is that if you have enough money to buy drugs for 'fun' then you surely to god have enough money to purchase your own groceries!

I've also heard of people whose benefits were reduced just because they own a 4 wheel drive truck. (It was an old beat-up four wheel drive truck that was 10 years old or more). The caseworker said a four wheel drive vehicle is a luxury not a necessity. Thankfully another caseworker was re-assigned to this case and she looked at it and asked why they weren't receiving more benefits due to their income. The recipients said it was because their previous caseworker said it was because they owned a 4 wheel drive vehicle despite being an old beat up vehicle. They were reassessed and their benefits were upped as needed. The previous case worker was found to be mishandling a lot of cases and was re-assigned completely to another division of Human Services.

I think our welfare system is messed up. Those who really need help can't get it because those who just want to be lazy play the system for every bit it's worth.
but FL is no worse than in WI, anyway.

I think it will prevent addicted drug users to abuse on welfare.
I don't see a need to charge a fee. Seems the applications rejected by positive tests would more than cover the cost. I wouldnt want to see the truly needy going without over a small fee. I like drug testing though. Even alcohol need for people to be drinking on my dime.
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I don't see a need to charge a fee. Seems the applications rejected by positive tests would more than cover the cost. I wouldnt want to see the truly needy going without over a small fee. I lime drug testing though. Even alcohol need for people to be drinking on my dime.
Agreed. There are people that need this service that are not abusing it. What are they to do, collect cans? Sell Grit? I am not so much for the testing of new applicants as I am for testing the long term recipients. I do see the need to do this however.
Too bad the system was abused. :(

I can imagine myself crawling into a welfare office to ask for help, only to be told I needed to cough up a drug testing fee and wait for the results before I receive aid. Since the odds of me doing this are extremely remote, I can probably brush the entire thing off. However, after reading a related thread on a drug abuser being (poorly) drug screened by a totally untrained/disinterested case worker, I question the effectiveness. I also recall that the governor of Florida has a financial interest in drug testing labs. Isn't this sponsored by the "Less government" party? Really? Drug testing gets pretty personal. Got AIDS? Drug testing samples could detect that. Got STDs? Same.

Oh well, no plans to ask for aid, and certainly no plans to move to Florida. :wave:

This is nothing more than another facet of the social creation of drug laws. They favor the rich and punish the poor.