Lawmaker Intros Bill to Legalize Marijuana: Calif.

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Yeah marijuana isn't THAT bad of a drug, it's more natural than smoking cigs with too many chemical bullshits.

Exactly, as my view of marijuana is herbal to me since it growing in it nature; I supported it to legalizing marijuana posses :P

oh, if it indeed legalizing the marijuana then i'd rather grow em by myself than buy it at store since its expensive =s
If you think more about this...weed can help lower crime rates too.
$50 for a ounce sounds pretty cheap, hope it is going to be pass!

Anyway, I always wish Washington would legalize the marijuana, our weeds are far best than California! ;)
I can vision CA stealing Fla.'s old license plates (if the bill passes)......"Arrive Stoned".....(which I did have a long time ago)....and saywhatkid has a good point also!...$$ to be made selling muchies to the "stoned".....

If the bill passed in Florida, I'd give up my "closet cig smoking"....

Bring us back to the good ol' 60's-70's...."ain't got a job? ain't got a house?...come on down to our tent under the overpass, all's welcome"! We're all "home grown".
If data is correct, it's likely marijuana will slow down the crimes. However, drug dealers and cartels will likely switch drugs like heroin, meth, to continue selling and buying.

Updated CA taxes are insane. I used to be CA business owner, but I still have CA permit for sales and using tax. If you run business in CA, you must pay the newspaper company out of your pocket to print your business on the newspaper. It's the law.

California City & County Sales & Use Tax Rates

San Mateo-9.500%
San Diego county-8.750%
Stockton-9.000 %

Here's the source, CA State Board Equalization: California City and County Sales and Use Tax Rates - Cities, Counties and Tax Rates - California State Board of Equalization
You can see the list of countries and cities. Business owners, including myself have to use it for updated information.

My friends currently are moving out to Washington, Utah, and Texas for affordable taxes and housing. In Dallas, you can get 10 corn cobs for one buck. Sweet. One of my old friends owns the family business- real estate for more than 25 years. She and her family are moving to Houston, Texas now. The real estate in Houston is booming. The real estate in San Diego is extremely slow, which is hurting my friend's business. The sale for house signs are everywhere in San Diego.
The problem with this bill is that it makes too much sense.

The California legislature wants to debate about cow tails and not important issues like passing the budget.

The opposition: alcohol companies, pharmaceutical industry, and the federal government will be tough to tackle.
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The problem with this bill is that it makes too much sense.

The California legislature wants to debate about cow tails and not important issues like passing the budget.

The opposition: alcohol companies, pharmaceutical industry, and the federal government will be tough to tackle.

Save my tail first! Everglades85, you need to explain it to the AD members what the video is all about. They can't hear the audio.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in the cow tails, read Senate Bill 135.

SB 135, as amended, Florez. Animal abuse: cattle: tail docking.
Existing law makes it a misdemeanor for any person to cut the
solid part of the tail of any horse in the operation known as

There were reports that regulators were planning to ban black cars in CA, but the CA Air Resources Board said that 'it has no plan at this time to regulate car paint' to alleviate greenhouse gas emissions, and lower the temperature inside parked cars. They also said 'they never intended to outlaw black cars in the first place.' Ha!

A few years ago, helium-filled metallic balloons in CA were about to banned, but Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed it.

Topic off.
The problem with this bill is that it makes too much sense.

The California legislature wants to debate about cow tails and not important issues like passing the budget.

The opposition: alcohol companies, pharmaceutical industry, and the federal government will be tough to tackle.

No captioning so I dont understand a thing.
No captioning so I dont understand a thing.

Sorry about that. I can't fully understand the video, but the governor is essentially asking why the legislature is debating about cow tails instead of passing a budget.

I tried to find a transcript of the video on the governor's website, but to no avail, so I took it down.

Off topic: Are state governments required to caption videos, or just federal governments? I know the White House has captioned videos on youtube.
not good idea. More drugger in CA already.
Interesting....$1.5 billion in revenues may not be much compared to $26 billion in debt...hmmm

they will save a lot of money freeing people in prison for herb and free up law enforcement to go after real crimes

They should legalize prostitution next
remember marijuana doesnt have to be smoked. you can eat it. It is simple, grind it up into a powder and sprinkle it on the butter/oil used for your omelet and youll be stoned after breakfast.

If you dont like the taste, there is always a vaporizer. Seems to me stoners look healtier that most people. Especially the older ones.
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