Last Movie You Watched?

<--done watched Frost/Nixon

Frank Langella makes a really good Nixon, but I liked Anthony Hopkins better in "Nixon"
I watched 4 DVDs throughout the night until 2am.

- Twilight; it was good fortunately after seeing the bootlegged one.
- Battle of Shaker Heights; good movie, funny.
- Promotion ; Boring
- Mirrors; a good movie as well.
I just got back from a friend's house. I watched Marley & Me with some friends. A couple of them bawled their eyes out at the end of the movie. :roll:

Good movie though. :)
Twilight. LOVE IT! Now I understand why so many people were obsessive with Twilight.
Let me tell you this, Edward Cullen is NOT HOT! I don't see what's so attractive about him.

The next movie I will watch is Georgia Rule starring Lindsay Lohan.
I'm a huge fan of hers. I love her music and movies.
I love both her albums "Speak" & "A Little More Personal (Raw)" <333
After that I'll watch Freaky Friday and The Parent Trap. I haven't seen both of those movies in a long time haha.

agreed on the "edward cullen is not so hot". i had a fond of Emmett Cullen, tho. :giggle: buttt Edward Cullen as Robert Pattinson is real hot in reality besides cigarettes. :cool2:


I happen to think Carlisle Cullen and Jasper Hale is HOT. :giggle: I think Edward is good looking but I prefer Carlisle and Jasper, lol :giggle:
Lots of movies.. that is pretty professional movies action.
A stupid movie called Black Sheep. Its not due out for a few months, but its so stupid. A sheep gets bit by a defected little sheep.. They go attacking people, if they bite humans without killing them, they later turn into big sheep. Its from New Zealand. Crazy.
A stupid movie called Black Sheep. Its not due out for a few months, but its so stupid. A sheep gets bit by a defected little sheep.. They go attacking people, if they bite humans without killing them, they later turn into big sheep. Its from New Zealand. Crazy.
That movie has been out for months. I saw it a few months ago.

Unless you're in a different area where it hasn't come out yet?
The day the Earth Stool Still - awful movie. I watched the original version on TV when I was a young boy and it was scary to me then, full of drama and tension. This remake version did not have the same impact on me this time around.
Lasted movie I watched today was "Ghosts of Mississippi"
The day the Earth Stool Still - awful movie. I watched the original version on TV when I was a young boy and it was scary to me then, full of drama and tension. This remake version did not have the same impact on me this time around.
What if you were to watch the original version again? What would that be like?
A stupid movie called Black Sheep. Its not due out for a few months, but its so stupid. A sheep gets bit by a defected little sheep.. They go attacking people, if they bite humans without killing them, they later turn into big sheep. Its from New Zealand. Crazy.

Loved this.
Marley & Me
7 Pounds
Quantum of Solace
Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers [my favorite cartoon show]
I saw the trailer of Marley and Me -- the puppy was so cute.
Snow buddies - cute movie
Magscadar 2 - not too bad
Slumdog millionaire - one of the best movies I have seen all day.