Ahh... Trainspotting. That's a messed up movie. I saw that years ago. Creepy scene with the baby. :Ohno:In the last 2 days..
I remember that movie. I saw that on DVD last year.
Ahh... Trainspotting. That's a messed up movie. I saw that years ago. Creepy scene with the baby. :Ohno:
Requiem for a dream a junky movie not at allJennifer Connelly made a hot junky but that is neither here nor there.
Megan is Missing
MEGAN IS MISSING trailer - YouTube
Those last 20+ minutes hit me like a ton of bricks and is unsettling to watch. I can't really recommend this but at the same time, it's an eye opener. Know before hand, the movie is an re-enactment, but because it's rooted in reality, it hits hard. The things that presented here in this movie happen daily in America.
in the last 2-3 days:
The shawshank redemption
love and other drugs
the princess bride
wild target
the book of eli
cold prey 3
and later today/tonight a couple of documentaries
the last lions
project nim
watched cold prey (norwegian slasher/horror) 3 last night. I have part 1 on dvd and 2 downloaded. This is a prequel and overall is a mediocre entry to the series.
Puncture is a treat. I wasn't really for sure what to expect but it's one of the most pleasant films i've watched in the last few months.
Wild target, which i watched a few years ago is another great film. Love the cast